Quick Analysis

Larry Allison, R.I.P.

It is with the most profound sorrow that I must inform you of the passing of Larry L. Allison, co-host of the Vernuccio/Allison Report.

Larry had worked for NYC’s Office of Emergency Management, and spent a great deal of time at the 9/11 site in the aftermath of the attack.  As a result, he incurred massive health problems, including bladder cancer, pulmonary disorders, and leukemia. These disorders led to his demise on the morning of December 16 at Mt. Sinai Hospital, where he had been undergoing intensive treatment for breathing issues.

Larry had served in both Democrat and Republican administrations in local government,  eventually rising to the level of Deputy Director for Disabled Services. Indeed, serving the disabled was a life-long avocation for him. He began his career in that cause as a counselor at an upstate camp for disabled children. He remained in contact with many from that period in his life, and took pride in their achievements.

Larry was one of the most brilliant and loving individuals around, and truly passionate about his devotion to America’s founding ideals. His convictions were the result of a life spent in public service, his unquenchable curiosity, his diligent research, and a fearless devotion to intellectual honesty.

He became deeply troubled by the course government had taken on the city, state, and federal levels, and diligently sought to restore common sense, integrity and Constitutional adherence.
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He became a fixture in New York’s politics, managing, advising and/or assisting in the campaigns of a number of candidates. Party was not an issue; whether the candidate was Republican or Democrat, if Larry felt they were sincere, had good ideas, and would follow the ideals that made the nation great, he would help.

Many across America first knew him as the co-host of the Vernuccio/Allison Report radio program, intially broadcast on WVOX Saturday mornings and eventually picked up by the network.  The shows are also broadcast on regular radio in Tampa, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; Boulder, Colorado; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Lancaster, PA; and Macon, Georgia. He was noted for his well-informed, well-documented, and no-holds barred positions on the key issues of the day.

Larry is survived by his wife, Jocelyn, and daughters Amanda and Alynda. He remained close to his brothers Ron  and Don throughout his life, as well as their spouses, and his many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by goddaughters Laureena and Amanda, and many step-children and step-grandchildren through Jocelyn. All deeply loved him. He had a long list of close friends across the nation from all walks of life.

He will be truly and greatly missed, but never forgotten.

Quick Analysis

White House Foreign Policy Reversal Unlikely

The White House is making much of its decision to return one hundred tanks to Eastern Europe in response to Russian aggressiveness on land, sea and in the air on that continent.  It is an emphatic statement on its extraordinarily foolish decision, earlier in 2014, to withdraw all U.S. tanks from Europe. It also glosses over the Administration’s failure to take the nonlethal step that could have truly halted Putin’s return to the Cold War: opening up American federal lands to energy exploitation, and ending the EPA’s war on coal. These acts, which would have also helped western consumers, would have essentially stopped the flow of funds Putin needs to continue expanding his massive armed forces.

This timid and minor reversal is deeply similar to the return of at least some American forces, mostly trainers, special forces, and Air Force missions, to Iraq to combat ISIS. Just as the withdrawal of American tanks was a factor in Moscow’s decision that it could safely conquer Crimea without fear of a western response, so too the premature withdrawal of American forces from Iraq directly precipitated the rise of ISIS.

Will the President, chastened by his complete and overwhelming foreign policy and military strategy failures across the globe, finally begin to reverse course? Currently, it appears that while some minor adjustments may be made, the likelihood of a thorough White House rethinking of its international and military strategies appears unlikely.

American forces are still scheduled to depart from Afghanistan, although more will be left behind than previously planned. Nevertheless, expect the Taliban, the architects of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, to make a significant comeback there as a result.

There is little that can be done to undo the absurd decision to depose Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator who had genuinely renounced both terrorism and his own nuclear program. His nonthreatening rule has been replaced by a state in danger of becoming an al Qaeda subsidiary.

The rapidly growing military influence of Russia in Europe, China in Asia, and Iran in the Middle East has been greatly facilitated by the White House’s reduction of funds for U.S. defense, its increasing estrangement from allies, and its reluctance to employ substantive diplomatic responses to threats.

Consider these examples:

  • Come January, as a result of the shrinking Navy, there will be no U.S. aircraft carrier on patrol in East Asia for the first time since World War 2 ended.
  • There has been no U.S. response to the growing influence of Russia, China, and Iran in Latin America.
  • The U.S. defense budget is still strained. A key result of that is the loss of key personnel.
  • The President still opposes implantation of an adequate anti-missile system.
  • The Administration has given Iran yet another extension in the nuclear arms talks, allowing that nation time to develop its atomic arsenal.
  • No firm response has yet been made to Russian and Chinese cyber-attacks on U.S. computer systems.
  • No significant protective measures of American electrical and computer infrastructure have been taken.

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The White continues to take positions which harm our allies, as it did to the United Kingdom in the New START talks, Poland in the ABM decision, and Israel in issues related to Palestinian negotiations.

Quick Analysis

Washington should not place world needs above U.S. constituents

While Americans have always had an open heart and an open wallet for people throughout the world, it has always been understood that this practice depended upon the continuation of a strong, safe, and prosperous United States.

Over the past several years, Administration officials have adopted a disturbing mindset that the needs of the world have equal priority with those of their domestic constituents, who pay their salaries and place them in office.

The nation is already carrying an $18 trillion dollar debt (70% of which was accumulated during the Obama presidency) that gets larger each and every year despite taking in record-setting revenue from some of the highest taxes among advanced countries. Opening the doors to illegal immigrants who are needy is simply an unaffordable luxury.

This “America last” concept was clearly seen during the President’s recent trip to Asia.  The environmental pact agreed to with Beijing committed the U.S. to significant and costly goals, but placed no equivalent burden on China.

It can be seen in the long-term acquiescence of trade practices which place American companies at a competitive disadvantage, both at home and abroad.

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The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that “the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level.”

It can be seen in the conduct of our foreign affairs, which has lessened U.S. defenses at a time when Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and terrorists organizations are greatly expanding their military prowess.

It can be seen in the U.S. surrender of its long-standing and utterly impartial administration of the internet.

A United States that is not prosperous, productive and safe cannot be an international benefactor. Elected officials, who are the employees of their constituents, do not have the legal or moral right to place the needs of Americans behind or even merely equivalent to the rest of the world.

Quick Analysis

Senator Feinstein’s Incoherent Hearing

This week, on the same day that doctors were informing the wife and daughter of yet another victim of the 9/11 attack on New York’s World Trade Center that, as a possible result of exposure to toxins at the site he was expected to succumb to an untimely death within several days, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was conducting hearings and releasing a report jeopardizing both the efforts and the safety of those who are diligently working to prevent another such assault.

The time has come to question the monumental incoherence of those who weaken the nation by reducing key defense programs, withdrawing American forces from hotspots, or handcuffing those who seek to gain the information needed to prevent another terrorist assault.  Many of the same individuals in government and the media who scream and protest about nonlethal interrogation practices such as waterboarding have said far less in reaction to the beheadings, rapes, and wholescale  murders committed by those who seek every opportunity to kill as many innocent Americans as they can.

Their so-called moral arguments are baseless.  There is general agreement that eliminating terrorist leaders, including traitorous U.S. citizens, by drone attacks are justified (and it is indeed appropriate.) But why then do they question nonlethal interrogation practices that do not cause any permanent harm? Are their sensibilities so delicate that they would prefer to chance another 9/11 rather than to authorize harsh questioning?

Any government official who would prefer to jeopardize innocent lives rather than permit harsh but non-injurious interrogation is unfit for office. The fact that Feinstein’s hearing is being accompanied by the release of the names of those involved further impairs the ability to keep Americans safe, and punishes those who are merely seeking to keep the U.S. secure. Intelligence officials and other absolutely refute Feinstein’s unsupported contention that these interrogations did not yield vital information.
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There is a foul stench coming from the timing of the Feinstein Senate hearings, suddenly scheduled as they were to coincide with the House questioning of Jonathon Gruber, an Obamacare architect who famously revealed that the passage of the Affordable Care Act legislation was linked to what he perceived to be the “stupidity” of the American people. The highly offensive history of Obamacare’s passage—with provisions hidden from the American citizenry and shielded from public discussion—is a continuing embarrassment both for the President and his party.  The House’s Gruber hearings add an exclamation point to that.  Feinstein’s sensationalist meeting concerning interrogation practices can easily be seen as a desperate means to divert attention.

And therein lays the ultimate problem: for far too long, too many elected officials, particularly those of the Obama regime, have put their party’s political aspirations, and their intense devotion to a hard left philosophy, far above the good of the nation.

The harm resulting from that is exacerbated by the absurd fantasy world of far too many in the media who fail to report or acknowledge the dire threats facing America, both from terrorism and from the increasing military power and aggressiveness of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

Quick Analysis

Is Amnesty affordable?

Most Americans understand that the resources of government at all levels are limited, and there is a point at which increasing taxes becomes counterproductive, since it takes dollars out of the economy, limiting employment opportunities and commerce, and eventually resulting in less revenue.

The Obama Administration is moving forcefully to allow vast numbers of illegal immigrants to remain in the United States. The salient question is:  How does this help Americans, both citizens and legal residents?

Last year, The Heritage Foundation researched the issue and found that the cost of direct benefits, means-tested welfare, public education, and population-based services will be deeply burdensome to already over-taxed citizens:

“If enacted, amnesty would be implemented in phases. During the first or interim phase (which is likely to last 13 years), unlawful immigrants would be given lawful status but would be denied access to means-tested welfare and Obamacare. Most analysts assume that roughly half of unlawful immigrants work “off the books” and therefore do not pay income or FICA taxes. During the interim phase, these “off the books” workers would have a strong incentive to move to “on the books” employment. In addition, their wages would likely go up as they sought jobs in a more open environment. As a result, during the interim period, tax payments would rise and the average fiscal deficit among former unlawful immigrant households would fall.

“After 13 years, unlawful immigrants would become eligible for means-tested welfare and Obamacare. At that point or shortly thereafter, former unlawful immigrant households would likely begin to receive government benefits at the same rate as lawful immigrant households of the same education level. As a result, government spending and fiscal deficits would increase dramatically.

The final phase of amnesty is retirement. Unlawful immigrants are not currently eligible for Social Security and Medicare, but under amnesty they would become so. The cost of this change would be very large indeed.

  • As noted, at the current time (before amnesty), the average unlawful immigrant household has a net deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of $14,387 per household.
  • During the interim phase immediately after amnesty, tax payments would increase more than government benefits, and the average fiscal deficit for former unlawful immigrant households would fall to $11,455.
  • At the end of the interim period, unlawful immigrants would become eligible for means-tested welfare and medical subsidies under Obamacare. Average benefits would rise to $43,900 per household; tax payments would remain around $16,000; the average fiscal deficit (benefits minus taxes) would be about $28,000 per household.
  • Amnesty would also raise retirement costs by making unlawful immigrants eligible for Social Security and Medicare, resulting in a net fiscal deficit of around $22,700 per retired amnesty recipient per year.

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In terms of public policy and government deficits, an important figure is the aggregate annual deficit for all unlawful immigrant households. This equals the total benefits and services received by all unlawful immigrant households minus the total taxes paid by those households.

  • Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion.
  • In the interim phase (roughly the first 13 years after amnesty), the aggregate annual deficit would fall to $43.4 billion.
  • At the end of the interim phase, former unlawful immigrant households would become fully eligible for means-tested welfare and health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act. The aggregate annual deficit would soar to around $106 billion.
  • In the retirement phase, the annual aggregate deficit would be around $160 billion. It would slowly decline as former unlawful immigrants gradually expire.”

James Walsh, writing in the Daily Signal, emphasized that:

“The president refuses to acknowledge that the United States is faltering under the weight of an escalating national debt of $40 trillion within a decade. He refuses to acknowledge that the national debt is increasing partly because of the escalating numbers of undocumented aliens — a ghost population that threatens the financial solvency of the United States.”

Quick Analysis

How Divided is America?

How divided is America?

A Gallup poll  conducted in early 2014 found that Democrats and Republicans agree that the economy is the most important concern, but differ after that. Republicans rated, following the economy and in order of importance, these as their key concerns: terrorism, defense, healthcare policy, education, taxes, social security and Medicare, crime, immigration, world affairs and poverty. Democrats chose education, poverty, healthcare policy, social security and Medicare, distribution of wealth, crime, the environment, terrorism, and gun policy.

Within specific issues, there has been a significant difference between the majority of voters and that of leadership.  While President Obama has identified allowing illegals to stay within the U.S.,  A Rasmussen poll   conducted earlier this month found that “only 40 percent of voters approve of the President’s plan to bypass Congress and allow nearly five million illegal immigrants to remain in this country legally…”

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Generally, those considered to be on the left favor an increasingly powerful federal government. But those on the right point out that despite the heavy intervention of federal authority and federal dollars into areas not envisioned by the Constitution’s framers, little progress has been made, specifically in areas having to do with poverty. Education, too, has not prospered under federal intervention.  They also raise the very serious concern that if the Constitution and the Bill of Right is not allowed to restrain Washington, what other rights reserved for the people may be imperiled?

That question may one of the most important of the era, and it sharply divides the electorate.

Quick Analysis

What Needs to be Said about Iran

In the arcane world of diplomacy, the most vital and obvious statements are often left unsaid. All too frequently, the media reflects, without careful analysis, that same opaque semantic habit.

This has been particularly true in the ongoing nuclear weapons discussions with Iran.  What needs to be said, understood, and acted upon is this: Iran is a nation ruled by fanatical men who do evil things to their own population, especially females, and seek the ability to do equally evil acts upon the rest of the world. The route they have chosen to accomplish this goal is through the acquisition of nuclear weapons, which they can mount on their already potent rockets.

Tehran has not negotiated in good faith.  Therefore, the softening of sanctions and the extending of deadlines only serves to assist that nation in the pursuit of its unacceptable objectives.

As noted by Haleh Esfandiari and Robert S. Litwak, writing for the Wilson Center,

“Already, the extension of nuclear talks announced Monday is being portrayed in Iran as a victory for its negotiating team. In a televised interview Monday night, President Hasan Rouhani made clear that Iran would not stop its centrifuges or give up its technology. What’s been agreed to is, indeed, a bonus for Tehran as its government continues to access about $700 million a month from its frozen assets.”

Testifying before the Senate foreign Relations Committee on December 3, David Albright, President of the Institute for Science and International Security  stated that  “Iran is more likely today to choose a safe route [rather than a purely clandestine one] to preserving and further developing a capability to produce fissile material for a nuclear weapon. In the case of gas centrifuges, it is likely to seek to maintain and increase its capabilities at declared centrifuge sites, the associated centrifuge manufacturing complex, and centrifuge R&D facilities. It would view this path as the preferred one, because it can simply and legitimately claim that all its activities are civil in nature, even if it is actually hiding the goal of eventually seeking nuclear weapons.”

The Obama Administration had knowledge of the fact that Russia was aiding Iran’s nuclear aims, yet neither disclosed that fact to Congress nor responded to it by amending its discredited “reset” policy with Russia. Bret Stephens recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal that “Because the Administration lacks the political courage of its real convictions or the martial courage of its ones—we are wedded to this sham process of negotiation.”

In its quixotic (or worse) attempt to appease Iran, the White House has also not been honest with the American public about Tehran’s growing military/terrorist presence in Latin America, particularly in Venezuela and Bolivia.

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“Iran has actively been developing Latin America as a base from which to launch military and terrorist assaults on the United States. There is bipartisan concern in Congress that the White House has not responded to the threat, although the problem is recognized. Before departing to a visit to Columbia, Defense Secretary Panetta noted that “We always have a concern about, in particular, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and [their] efforts to expand their influence not only throughout the Middle East but also into this region…that relates to expanding terrorism.”

Reports from around the world have noted Tehran’s growing military presence in the Western Hemisphere. Germany’s Die Welt newspaper described the Islamic Republic’s construction of intermediate range missile launch pads on Venezuela’s Paraguana Peninsula.

The threat is not confined to low-level tactics. There is mounting concern that both nuclear and ballistic missile threats are emerging from Venezuelan-Iranian cooperation. The Tehran/Caracas axis, encouraged by Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, is particularly troubling. According to The Heritage Foundation’s Peter Brooks, the two nations have a Memorandum of Understanding “pledging full military support and cooperation…”

Robert F. Noriega, the former ambassador to the Organization of American States and former Assistant secretary of State, notes that “Iranian officials have made no secret of the regime’s intention to carry its asymmetrical struggle to the streets of the United States and Europe.” Noriega is concerned that the White House is not adequately concerned about these developments, and in fact has “misinformed” Congress as to their seriousness.

Congress has been attempting to get the White House to focus on the problem for some time. Many members, both democrat and Republican, were distressed by the Administration’s cutting $13 million annually from its Southern Command military budget (which has responsibility for the region) and its refusal to beef up intelligence assets in the vicinity. Last July, Rep. Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) along with several colleagues submitted a letter to the State Department expressing concern on Iran’s hostile acts in South America.

According to Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) Iran has used its terrorist Hezbollah proxy force in the tri-border area of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, to gain influence and power; built numerous “cultural centers” and overstaffed embassies to assist its covert goals; and supported the activities of the terrorist group Hamas in South America.”

As the Obama Administration grants yet another move softening its position on Iran’s growing nuclear capabilities, it considers initiating sanctions on Israel due to that nation’s construction of new housing in Jerusalem. The move highlights the White House’s bizarre foreign policy choices.


Vernuccio/Allison taping disrupted by illness and weather

This week’s Vernuccio/Allison Report was extremely challenging. Larry Allison is hospitalized and in extremely critical condition, and a host of technical issues, some resulting from We’ve shipped tadalafil 10mg to thousands of satisfied customers, and they keep coming back for more. One can get myopia where the things which are not ornaments as decoration; trying to travel on things which are not ornaments as decoration; trying to travel on things which are not generic sales viagra vehicles; being greedy for food, but spurning it once it has been obtained; bulging, Bloodshot eyes, and illness after foods had been digested. How this actually happens is not known yet other than the cialis without prescription Get More Info likely property is noticeable improvement in male sex hormone (testosterone) levels thanks to Muira Puama. It ensures nourishment of levitra pill reproductive organs with essential minerals and nutrients. the day’s Nor’easter, served to complicate the taping of the program.  We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please keep Larry in your thought and prayers.

Quick Analysis

Obama’s Undisclosed Foreign Policy

It is the guiding policy in the strange, new world of international relations in the Obama years: treating enemies with respect and empathy, and giving allies the brush-off, or worse.

At her recent Georgetown speech,   former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advocated: “This is what we call smart power…Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. That is what we believe in the 21st century will change — change the prospects for peace.”

This came at the same time that Congress furiously demanded an explanation of why the White House was floating the idea of imposing sanctions on America’s only firm ally in the region, Israel. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) in a document obtained by the Washington Free Beacon  noted that fifty members of the House of Representatives demanded that the Administration explain why it is seriously considering imposing sanctions against Israel. “Israel is one of our strongest allies, and the mere notion that the administration would unilaterally impose sanctions against Israel is not only unwise, but is extremely worrisome…such reports send a clear message to our friends and enemies alike that such alliances with the United States government can no longer be unquestionably trusted.”

President Obama has not commented on the matter.

During the tenure of the current White House, the Obama/Clinton concept of “respect and empathy” for enemy nations, including those that blatantly and substantially violate human rights, has predominated in every sphere of foreign affairs. Consider these salient examples:

The Obama/Clinton “reset” with Russia came as Mr. Putin squashes democracy in his own realm, invades a neighboring nation, ramps up his armed forces, returns to cold war bases around the world, and deploys his military in a manner that clearly threatens Europe.

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Even as Iran moves expeditiously to develop its nuclear weaponry, the White House has moved to soften sanctions and extend deadlines, despite the absence of any real progress.

During this same time period, the Administration has by word and deed weakened American commitments and diplomatic relations with key allies.

An initial attempt to improve relations with opposing nations by a new Administration can be written off as an example of naiveté or a reliance upon an excessive degree of hope.  But when those attempts clearly and dramatically fail, as they have in the case of Russia, China, Iran, and Islamic extremists, then there can be no excuse not to return to a more sensible policy.

But the White House has failed to do so, and has given no viable answer why it has not.  It has not been pressed to do by a largely supportive media. But the failure has become so obvious, serious, and dangerous, that the ongoing safety of the nation requires an immediate explanation and description of what Mr. Obama’s foreign policy goals are, what he believes America’s role in the world is, and how he intends to keep the U.S. safe from the burgeoning military might of Russia, China, and Iran, three nations that have become increasing allied and increasingly powerful.  The same requirement must be responded to by Ms. Clinton, not only for her previous failures as Secretary of State, but her views for the nation she seeks to lead in the future.

There is a domestic content to this problem, as well. The Executive Branch is part of a government of a free nation.  The White House is answerable to the voters.  There has never been a truly open, thorough or cogent explanation of what Mr. Obama’s world vision is.  If, indeed, the President seeks to “fundamentally transform” America’s role into one in which enemies are now considered friends and former allies have been discarded, which appears to be the case, then he is compelled to reveal his radical new perspective to the American people, a duty he has for far too long ignored.

Quick Analysis

Trillions spent, nothing gained

The United States Treasury Department has revealed that America now has a record debt of over $18 trillion ($18,005,549,328,561.45 to be precise.) That amounts to 103% of the nation’s entire gross domestic product.70% of that debt was accumulated during the Obama Administration.

The news isn’t getting any better going forward.  The Treasury Department figures demonstrate that since the start of the new federal fiscal year several weeks ago, it has issued another $1,040,965,000,000 in additional debt to pay off its maturing securities and to cover new deficit spending. It has been estimated that an additional $6 trillion in deficit spending will take place over the next ten years due to current plans.

All of this growing debt has been incurred despite record intakes in revenue, both in the previous year and during the new fiscal period. As noted in a recent New York Analysis of Policy and Government article, in 2014, “Statistics released from the U.S. Treasury Department reveal that for the first time in history, the U.S. took in over $3 trillion in revenue, $3 trillion and 21 billion to be precise. That’s a $247 billion jump from the prior year.  A significant part of the additional revenue largely came from huge tax hikes resulting from the expiration of the Bush tax breaks and Obamacare taxes.

“Despite that, the government ran a $483 billion dollar deficit, even though key areas of federal responsibility, such as Defense and homeland security spent less. Even the Social Security Administration spent less.

“The agencies that spent more included the Environmental Protection Agency, and the General Services Administration.  And of course, spending on welfare type programs have increased significantly during the Obama years.”

Much of that increase in revenue doesn’t come from a productive economy; indeed, the US economic engine has been sputtering.  Taxes, however, have been in a significant upwards trajectory, rising by $3 trillion, according to studies by the Heritage Foundation, as noted in an article in the Daily Signal The “fiscal cliff” deal of 2013 resulted in a number of significant hikes, as noted in an article in the Daily Signal:

“1. Payroll Tax: increase in the Social Security portion of the payroll tax from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent for workers. This hits all Americans earning a paycheck—not just the “wealthy.” For example, The Wall Street Journal calculated that the “typical U.S. family earning $50,000 a year” will lose “anannual income boost of $1,000.”

  1. Top marginal tax rate: increase from 35 percent to 39.6 percentfor taxable incomes over $450,000 ($400,000 for single filers).
  2. Phase out of personal exemptionsfor adjusted gross income (AGI) over $300,000 ($250,000 for single filers).
  3. Phase down of itemized deductionsfor AGI over $300,000 ($250,000 for single filers).
  4. Tax rates on investment: increase in the rate on dividends and capital gainsfrom 15 percent to 20 percent for taxable incomes over $450,000 ($400,000 for single filers).
  5. Death tax: increase in the rate (on estateslarger than $5 million) from 35 percent to 40 percent.
  6. Taxes on business investment: expiration of full expensing—the immediatededuction of capital purchasesby businesses.

Obamacare tax increases that took effect:
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  1. Another investment tax increase: 3.8 percent surtax on investment incomefor taxpayers with taxable income exceeding $250,000 ($200,000 for singles).
  2. Another payroll tax hike: 0.9 percent increase in the Hospital Insurance portion of the payroll taxfor incomes over $250,000 ($200,000 for single filers).
  3. Medical device tax: 2.3 percent excise tax paid by medical devicemanufacturers and importers on all their sales.
  4. Reducing the income tax deductionfor individuals’ medical expenses.
  5. Elimination of the corporate income tax deductionfor expenses related to the Medicare Part D subsidy.
  6. Limitation of the corporate income taxdeduction for compensation thathealth insurance companies pay to their executives.”

CATO notes that taxpayers are rebelling against tax hikes:

“In several states, voters turned down proposals to hike taxes, even when tied to popular initiatives such as education or transportation.  In Missouri, for instance, voters overwhelmingly turned down a sales-tax increase that would have funded a number of transportation projects.  And, in Nevada, voters turned down measures that would have removed a cap on the state;s mining tax and imposed a 2% tax on gross receipts for businesses with revenues over $1 million.  And…voters in Massachusetts approved that ballot measure eliminating the inflation adjustment on the gas tax. When they weren’t turning down proposed tax increases, voters were making sure that there would be fewer such proposed hikes in the future.”

The pertinent question is what has the nation gained from all that spending?

According to the CATO Institute, “Traditionally, the national debt as a percentage of GDP rose during major wars and the Great Depression. But… there’s been no major war or depression … we’ve just run up $16 trillion more in spending than the country was willing to pay for. That’s why our debt as a percentage of GDP is now higher than at any point except World War II.”

The absence of war or depression is only the beginning of the analysis, however.  The nation’s military has seen decreased, rather than increased, spending, and whole areas such as defense against EMP impacts from either natural causes or nuclear attacks, as well as the development of an adequate missile defense program, have been wholly ignored.  America’s infrastructure continues to be neglected. High-tech development vital to the future U.S. economy, including space exploitation, continue to receive inadequate funding as other nations move forward quickly. The poverty rate remains relatively unchanged, despite massive increases in programs such as food stamps.

Washington’s culture of wasteful spending, which merely serves to get incumbents re-elected, is devastating the national fiscal health. According to Senator Tom Coburn: “Our nation is on an unsustainable fiscal course that is threatening our future as a republic. Reducing wasteful spending is the first step Congress should take in order to bring down our debt and deficits.”

The problem, however, goes beyond waste, and beyond spending meant only to help incumbents get re-elected.  It also rests in the federal government getting involved in whole areas that are, frankly, outside of its constitutional jurisdiction.