Quick Analysis

White House, Congress Clash over NASA

January is an appropriate time to consider not just the months ahead but also the coming years.

Americans have been a future-oriented people, deeply concerned about providing a better future for their children and grandchildren. Somehow, that appears to have changed, as mounting debt and a need for immediate gratification has clouded the nations’ perspective.

One area where the two views have clashed is the space program. The House of Representatives has generally viewed NASA’s activities as essential to the economic future of the country.  The Obama Administration has been far less supportive, ending the space shuttle program prematurely and delaying its replacement, the Orion spacecraft, as the U.S. continues its dubious dependence of Russia to place astronauts into orbit.

The clash between the White House and the House was evident at a Space Sub Committee  hearing recently.

Chair Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) noted:
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“It is no secret that this Committee is concerned that the support within NASA for the SLS and Orion is not matched by the Administration. While this lack of commitment is somewhat puzzling, it is not at all surprising. The President has made clear that he does not believe space exploration is a priority for the nation and has allowed political appointees within the administration to manipulate the course of our human space flight program. These decisions should be made by the scientists, engineers, and program managers that have decades of experience in human space flight…The Administration has consistently requested large reductions for these programs despite the insistence of Congress that they be priorities. Most recently, the President’s budget for Fiscal Year 2015 included a request to reduce these programs by over $330 million compared to the Fiscal Year 2014 enacted appropriation. Additionally, in the 2013, 2014, 2015 budget requests, the Administration asked for reductions of $175.1 million, $87 million, and  $144.2 million respectively for the Orion program relative to the enacted appropriations.

“Had Congress agreed to the requests, Orion and the SLS would have incurred hundreds of millions of dollars in reductions and would likely face significant delays and mass layoffs. Thankfully, Congress listened to the program managers and industry partners to ensure these programs were appropriately funded.

“Congress has once again demonstrated support for the SLS and Orion by providing funding well above the president’s budget request in the Omnibus for fiscal year 2015. While these priority programs may not enjoy support within the Administration, they certainly do from Congress.”

The White House continues to maintain that the American space program leads the world.

Quick Analysis

Will 2015 be the year Iran gets the bomb?

Will 2015 be the year that Iran gets the nuclear bomb?

Negotiations that were supposed to end in November have been extended until next summer, giving Tehran the time it needs to complete work on its atomic weapons project. Combined with the nation’s advanced missile technology, most clearly seen in its Shahab-3 missiles that have a range of 1,300 miles and its rapidly progressing space program  which will give the nation an ICBM capability,  that spells great danger for the world.

According to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies,  the problem is that Iran will only agree to restrictions on its nuclear activities as long as they do not ultimately bar its path to a bomb. In the 12 months of negotiations conducted under the interim agreement, Iran won one major policy victory and gained four major concessions in the nuclear domain.
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In addition to softening sanctions, Omri Ceren, writing for Commentary, notes that Washington has given up all its bargaining chips. “Gone is the demand that Iran dismantle its centrifuges…Gone is the demand that Iran cease all enrichment. The deal widely believed to be on the table would leave them spinning thousands of centrifuges.  Gone is the demand that Iran downgrade its plutonium reactor…Gone is the demand that Iran halt its proliferation-sensitive missile activity.”

Combined with North Korea’s nuclear program, 2015 may present the most dangerous nuclear threats the world has seen in decades.

Quick Analysis

Will Obamacare Survive 2015?

Supporters of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, may find 2015 troublesome.

The law may be increasingly criticized by those with rejected claims. Increasingly, reports from medical billers interviewed by the New York Analysis report that rejections of claims for coverage are being denied with great frequency. Further, many are finding that the rates are not as “affordable” as the title of the legislation suggests.

Much of the financial burden is being placed on Medicaid. According to the Heritage Foundation,  Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—principally as a result of Obamacare expanding eligibility to able-bodied, working-age adults.The Political Insider website has noted that “Across the nation, states from California to Rhode Island, are facing new concerns that their Medicaid costs will rise as a result of the federal health care law.”

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On March 4, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case of King v. Burwell.  In this case, the plaintiffs contend that the law only permits subsidies on state-run exchanges, making the federal versions essentially illegal. About 5 million people are covered under federal exchanges.

Ultimately, Obamacare’s political fate will hinge on how effectively and affordably it provides coverage. Indications are the critics, who have expressed concern about its cost to the nation, and the possibility that financial concerns will cause rationing of service, may be proved correct.

Quick Analysis

Underreported News in 2014

With 2014 now solidly in the rearview mirror, it’s clear that several key issues were not adequately covered by the major media. To name just three:


News sources reported extensively on matters involving alleged discrimination in cases involving race. Yet one of the most significant discrimination stories continues to be underreported.

Unfair treatment of older workers has become increasingly prevalent. An early 2014 AARP  analysis found that the percentage of those ages 45—74 working full time has dropped 11 points since their 2002 survey. The percentage working part time has increased 5%, and the percent looking for work has increased 7%. This may at least partially coincide with a report by the Center for Immigration Studies  revealing all new jobs created in the past several years have gone to immigrants.


While many key leaders, including the President, continue to advocate costly and economically burdensome measures to deal with global warming, the reality is, that particular problem has not been a factor for about 18 years.
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Scientists Patrick Michaels and Chip Knappenberger,  according to the Cato Institute, have found that “…observations show that the rise in the global average surface temperature has been little different (in the case of the University of East Anglia record, no different) from zero for the past 18 years or so. So instead of accelerating, global warming is actually decelerating, or, (nearly) stopped.

Despite the observations of Michaels, Knappenberger and others, expensive “solutions” to a problem that doesn’t actually exist to any harmful degree continue to be debated.


Nothing should capture headlines more than Russian nuclear arms capable bombers flying along American coastlines, or nuclear subs stealthily patrolling near our shores. Both of these incidents have been occurring, but the readers and viewers of most major media sites didn’t hear very much about it.  Similarly, the news that President Obama withdrew all American tanks from Europe early in 2014 (Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine later prompted 150 to be returned) and the lack of any available US aircraft carrier for East Asia patrol in the first half of 2015 have also received scant notice.

Quick Analysis

Top under reported stories of 2015

The 24 hour news cycle makes it hard to believe that any scrap of news didn’t get extensive coverage.  The reality is, however, the stories that may have the greatest impact in the very near future went underreported throughout 2015.  We review the most significant.

Russia’s rise to power: Yes, Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine was widely covered, but far less reported was the major buildup of the Russian military—except, of course, in the New York Analysis of Policy & Government and a small number of specialized publications. The change in the balance of power over recent years has been dramatic.  For the first time in history, the Kremlin has a greater nuclear force than the United States. Thanks to President Obama’s inexplicable and barely noted withdrawal of all American tanks from Europe (a few have since been returned) Moscow now has a significant advantage in conventional power in the European theater as well.  Putin’s reach extends far beyond Europe.  His nuclear bombers have resumed cold war patrols over the U.S. coastlines, as has his submarines. Combined with military agreements with Cuba and Nicaragua, the threat has been brought to America’s doorstep.

Mitt Romney, who noted this turn of events during his failed 2012 Presidential bid, was mocked at the time for his prediction.

China’s ascension to military dominance in Asia—and beyond. China’s aggressive acts, its establishment of military bases on rocky outcroppings in vital shipping lanes, and the intimidation of its neighbors were reported.  But little discussion, again except in specialty sites such as these pages, was held about why Beijing was able to do so without fear of retribution.  The fact is, China’s military has leaped to superpower status, and it is still growing dramatically.  It’s navy already has more submarines than its U.S. counterpart. By 2020, its fleet will be larger than America’s. There are consistent reports that its nuclear forces, secreted in a vast network of underground tunnels, may be the largest on the planet.  Its cyber warfare forces are vast and actively assault western military, civilian and corporate sites consistently. By stealing technological secrets from the West, Beijing has been able to construct a very highly advanced military at a fraction of the cost to U.S. taxpayers.

The new Axis of Evil.  The United States defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War in part because of the Reagan military buildup, as well as the maintenance of a strong system of alliances and the cooperation of China. The tables have been turned.  China and Russia are now allies, training jointly in Asia, Europe, and elsewhere.  They are allied with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, and others. The United States, over the past several years, has weakened its alliances both through diplomatic errors and outright policy reversals on the part of the Obama White House, as well as a growing international sense that the USA is no longer a reliable partner when the chips are down.  Certainly, the diminished pentagon budget plays a role in the worries America’s allies have in Washington’s ability, and willingness, to its treaty commitments.

cialis generika 5mg I would still caution that one critical component of any effective energy policy or policy metaphor is the introduction of reasonable constraints on human energy-using behavior. It is sometimes referred to as male sterilization and prescription cialis preferred to be a contraceptive method for men that show some difficulties of having, along with maintaining the erection(it’s usually called impotence). Spam filters use software and a set of constriction bands. cialis prescription Acknowledging there might be a problem is not so easily affected by drugs and taking on line levitra may be useless. The lack of science in global warming predictions. The Paris agreement was headline news, and throughout the past year, President Obama insisted that man-made global climate change was “settled science.”  The media failed to report that he was wrong.

As the New York Analysis previously reported, 31,072 American scientists, including 9,029 with PH.D’s, have opposed the views of those who claim human factors have altered the climate.

They were joined by those concerned that unproven and faulty global warming theories are being used as an excuse to enhance governmental authority, establish a more centralized economy, and enrich special interests. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce cites the astounding cost of the White House’s preferences, estimated at $50 billion annually.

With both the President and the media favoring the views of the climate change adherents, relatively little unbiased information has been made available to the public.

Even some advocates of global warming have objected to governmental intervention. Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT, quoted in,  notes that the changes due to global warming are too small to account for.  He stated that in the January 2014 article that  “Global warming, climate change, all these things are just a dream come true for politicians. The opportunities for taxation, for policies, for control, for crony capitalism are just immense, you can see their eyes bulge.”

Quick Analysis

The Fate of Freedom

As the New Year gets under way, it is useful to take a look around the world to see how that most important of American ideals—freedom—has fared.

Unfortunately, the state of personal rights across the world has declined continuously during the past several years.

China is cited as being increasingly intolerant of dissent, moving to criminalize online speech and imprisoning anticorruption advocates. Russia, too, continues its slide back to dictatorship.

According to Freedom House, 54 nations demonstrated declines in political rights and civil liberties, compared with 40 that saw gains. According to the organization, many leaders rely on what is described as “modern authoritarianism,” in which the opposition is essentially rendered ineffective but not totally obliterated. Government officials flout the law when convenient, keeping a veneer of order, legitimacy and prosperity. National media, judiciary, civil society, economic and security forces are all under the thumb of leadership.
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Although not discussed by Freedom House, Americans shouldn’t feel immune to the grow trend of authoritarianism, either in our government or in our academic institutions. Consider the growing opposition to free speech on our college campuses, and the lack of backbone demonstrated by Hollywood when criticized by either foreign dictators or intolerant domestic pressure groups.

Our own White House has flouted the law and constitutional procedure numerous times, choosing to not enforce laws it disagreed with.

Freedom is indeed fragile, and requires constant vigilance.

Quick Analysis

U.S. unprepared for cyber attack

According to Dr. Daniel Goure, “The United States is woefully unprepared to deal with the inevitability of a major cyber attack.”

Writing for the Lexington Institute,  Dr. Goure notes that hacks of companies such as Sony, Home Depot, and Target are mere warnings of much greater dangers to come.

The Department of Homeland Security  emphasizes that “Our daily life, economic vitality, and national security depend on a stable, safe, and resilient cyberspace. We rely on this vast array of networks to communicate and travel, power our homes, run our economy, and provide government services. Yet cyber intrusions and attacks have increased dramatically over the last decade, exposing sensitive personal and business information, disrupting critical operations, and imposing high costs on the economy.”
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According to the Department of Defense  citing a November 29 discussion, Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis said “cybersecurity is a priority within the [NATO] alliance, and member nations are taking steps to both improve distribution of intelligence and protect its networks…Cyber attacks have occurred, and the threat is growing. The attacks are often tough to attribute, can cause immense damage and can be launched by nations, terrorists, criminal gangs or individuals.”

Despite the widespread criticism of the recent Sony hack, North Korea’s government has not been shunned by several nations. Vladimir Putin invited Kim Jong-un to Moscow to join in next year’s 70th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s role in the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Quick Analysis

Happy New Year from the New York Analysis of Policy & Government

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Quick Analysis

New Russian military doctrine

According to Russian news sources,the Russian Federation has updated its military doctrine. NATO is listed as a top threat.

The update was approved last week by President Putin, and includes the worrisome tenet that Moscow would use nuclear weapons in response to what it perceives to be a nonnuclear threat.  Moscow, which has a ten to one advantage over the US in tactical nuclear weapons, has placed short-range ISKANDER missiles on its border with Europe.

The update also reemphasizes Russia’s military interest in the Arctic region.

NATO  strongly disagrees with Moscow’s assessment.

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“As stated by NATO heads of state and government at the Wales Summit in September, “the Alliance does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia. But we cannot and will not compromise on the principles on which our Alliance and security in Europe and North America rest.” …NATO has reached out to Russia consistently, transparently and publicly over the past 25 years.

“The Alliance has created unique cooperation bodies – the Permanent Joint Council and the NATO-Russia Council – to embody its relationship with Russia. It has invited Russia to cooperate on missile defence, an invitation extended to no other partner.

“In the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, agreed with Russia in 1997 and reaffirmed at NATO-Russia summits in Rome in 2002 and in Lisbon in 2010, NATO stated that “in the current and foreseeable security environment, the Alliance will carry out its collective defence and other missions by ensuring the necessary interoperability, integration, and capability for reinforcement rather than by additional permanent stationing of substantial combat forces“. The Alliance has fulfilled all such commitments…Thus, neither the Alliance’s policies nor its actions are a threat to Russia.”

NY Analysis

A look back, as a New Year begins

As 2008 drew to a close just six years ago, it would have been difficult for Americans to believe the precipitous drop in the nation’s condition that would occur within the following six years. Within that short span of time, the U.S. economy, its national security, and relations between citizens would deteriorate at a worrisome and unexpected rate.

The Economy

In 2008, the national debt was $11, 039,737,790,000, compared to the approximately $18,028, 000,000,000 that will greet the new year.  All that extra spending, including the stimulus spending program, produced no noticeable results.

Despite the presence of an extremely severe recession (much of it due to the bad economics of misguided subprime mortgage legislation that began under the Carter Administration and was expanded during the Clinton presidency) there was little doubt that the nation would soon recover.

The labor force participation rate was 65.8%, compared to the current 62.8%. While some statistics indicate that the unemployment rate has improved, the reality is far different. As noted in Forbes,   “Despite the significant decrease in the official U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) unemployment rate, the real unemployment rate is over double that at 12.6%. This number reflects the government’s “U-6” report, which accounts for the full unemployment picture including those ‘marginally attached to the labor force,’ plus those ‘employed part time for economic reasons.”

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) stands at 2.8 million accounting for an extremely troublesome 30.7 percent of the unemployed. The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers), stands at 6.9 million. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.


Furthering the distress of many Americans, the Center for Immigration Studies,  reports that all of the net gain in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal).

 National Defense

In 2008, America was unquestionably the world’s supreme military power. Today, following substantial cuts to the defense budget, the unilateral withdrawal of American tanks from Europe, the financial inability of the Navy to sustain an adequate carrier fleet, the dismissal of large numbers of vitally needed military personnel, the alienation of key allies such as the United Kingdom, Poland, Israel and others, the lack of modernization for nuclear weapons, and the decision to not proceed with an adequate missile defense program, the U.S. is seen as a declining force in the world.

Washington’s increasingly obsolete nuclear deterrent is a major concern. Alone among the world’s nuclear powers, the U.S. has not updated its aged atomic weapons. Along with the “New START” nuclear arms treaty, the rise of China as a major nuclear power, and the growing threat from North Korea, this has essentially ended American nuclear superiority.
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In addition to harmful strategic implications, New START allowed Moscow to maintain a vast advantage in tactical nuclear weapons, which it has deployed along its European border on board its new Iskander short range nuclear weapons. NATO has no equivalent weapons in place.

New START was part of the failed “reset” with Russia.  As the U.S. cut defense spending and reduced its leadership role in international affairs, Moscow dramatically strengthened its armed forces, returned to cold war bases, sold nuclear technology to Iran, moved nuclear weapons to its European border, enhanced military ties with Latin America, invaded the Ukraine, and engaged in joint war games with China aimed at the U.S.

North Korea’s army will be larger than its American counterpart by the end of 2015 if scheduled cuts occur.  China’s navy, combined with its potent land-based anti-naval missile force, will soon displace the U.S. as the predominate sea power in East Asia. Russia has spent vast sums modernizing both its nuclear and conventional forces. Moscow has resumed cold war era nuclear patrols around both the continental U.S. as well as our bases overseas.

In 2008, Iraq was slowly, unsteadily, but certainly returning to democracy. Today, ISIS, due to the premature withdrawal of American forces, now ravages that land, committing atrocities on a terrible scale.

Six years ago, terrorism, while continuing to fester, was not ascendant. Today, terrorist forces control more geography than ever in the Middle East, the Taliban is poised to gain substantial power in Afghanistan, and al Qaeda is growing exponentially in Africa. Further, Iran’s Hezbollah, along with Russia and China, has made significant inroads with several South American governments.  Iran itself is poised to become a nuclear power.

The Final Frontier, Lost?

America’s space shuttle program was the envy of the world, and the U.S. had bold, concrete plans to explore and exploit the final frontier.  Obama allowed the Shuttle program to die and scrubbed its immediate replacement, the Constellation program.  Today, NASA can’t even put a man in space, is dependent on Russia to access the space station that was constructed by the space shuttle, and its plans for the future, are, bluntly, unfunded rhetoric, despite the ongoing development of the Orion space capsule, which itself is essentially only a modernized version of the 1960-era Apollo craft.

Racial Tensions

The most unforeseen, and indeed, unforeseeable decline in America’s condition was in the area of race relations.  The election of the first black president was envisioned as an epic turning of the page, a major step that precipitated a new era of harmonious relations between the races in America. Unfortunately, that was not to be.

Rather than engage his historic role to finally bring closure to the history of racial animosity, President Obama, along with his Attorney General Eric Holder employed racial tensions to motivate their base core of supporters for political goals. The result has been a dramatic resurgence of tensions.