Quick Analysis

Saving Planet Earth

Defense issues frequently involve one nation’s conflicts with another.  But NASA is engaging in a wholly different type of defense, one that seeks to protect the entire planet from dangerous asteroids.

The concept is called “planetary defense.” Planetary defense is the term used to encompass all the capabilities needed to detect the possibility and warn of potential asteroid or comet impacts with Earth, and then either prevent them or mitigate their possible effects. It involves Finding and tracking near-Earth objects that pose of hazard of impacting Earth; Characterizing those objects to determine their orbit trajectory, size, shape, mass, composition, rotational dynamics and other parameters, so that experts can determine the severity of the potential impact event, warn of its timing and potential effects, and determine the means to mitigate the impact; and Planning and implementation of measures to deflect or disrupt an object on an impact course with Earth, or to mitigate the effects of an impact that cannot be prevented. Mitigation measures that can be taken on Earth to protect lives and property include evacuation of the impact area and movement of critical infrastructure.

Asteroids have wrecked havoc in the past, famously ending the reign of dinosaurs in one instance. There has been, until now, no viable attempt to protect Earth from a similar blow, which, this time, could destroy Humanity.

The U.S. Space agency is chaging that worrisome reality. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission is directed by NASA’s Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) with support from several NASA centers.

 DART is a planetary defense-driven test of technologies for preventing an impact of Earth by a hazardous asteroid. DART will be the first demonstration of the kinetic impactortechnique to change the motion of an asteroid in space. The DART mission is in Phase C, led by APL and managed under NASA’s Solar System Exploration Program at Marshall Space Flight Center for NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the Science Mission Directorate’s Planetary Science Division.

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The binary near-Earth asteroid (65803) Didymos is the target for the DART demonstration. While the Didymos primary body is approximately 780 meters across, its secondary body (or “moonlet”) is about 160-meters in size, which is more typical of the size of asteroids that could pose the most likely significant threat to Earth. The Didymos binary is being intensely observed using telescopes on Earth to precisely measure its properties before DART arrives.

The DART spacecraft will achieve the kinetic impact deflection by deliberately crashing itself into the moonlet at a speed of approximately 6.6 km/s, with the aid of an onboard camera (named DRACO) and sophisticated autonomous navigation software. The collision will change the speed of the moonlet in its orbit around the main body by a fraction of one percent, but this will change the orbital period of the moonlet by several minutes – enough to be observed and measured using telescopes on Earth.

Once launched, DART will deploy Roll Out Solar Arrays (ROSA) to provide the solar power needed for DART’s electric propulsion system.  The DART spacecraft will demonstrate the NASA Evolutionary Xenon Thruster – Commercial (NEXT-C)solar electric propulsion system as part of its in-space propulsion.  NEXT-C is a next-generation system based on the Dawn spacecraft propulsion system, and was developed at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.  By utilizing electric propulsion, DART could benefit from significant flexibility to the mission timeline while demonstrating the next generation of ion engine technology, with applications to potential future NASA missions.

The DART spacecraft launch window begins November 24, 2021.  DART will launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. After separation from the launch vehicle and over a year of cruise it will intercept Didymos’ moonlet in late September 2022, when the Didymos system is within 11 million kilometers of Earth, enabling observations by ground-based telescopes and planetary radar to measure the change in momentum imparted to the moonlet.

Illustration: DART spacecraft (NASA)

Quick Analysis

Attacking Parental Rights

Every once in a while, a politician openly states what he or she actually believes. When that rare event occurs, it causes enormous concern when it becomes evident how disdainful the nation’s elites are to traditional rights.

Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (who previously served as the states’ chief executive from 2014—2018) stated during a debate that “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

McAuliffe’s position, which cost him the election, offended not only parents, but many educators as well. A New York City teacher I interviewed commented that “Parents are our children’s first, and most important, teachers.”

McAuliffe broke no new ground in his arrogant comment. Attempts to prevent parents from having a say in the education of their own children are a growing trend on the part of America’s increasingly leftist-dominated educational czars.

Examples abound. To cite just one instance, out of very, very many: In 2015, notes the Philadelphia Inquirer, “School Reform Commission (SRC) chair William Green made a unilateral decision, with no public vote or notification, to have police search the bags and confiscate the signs of parents and community members who came to be heard…”

While the issue has been brewing for some time, it erupted into public consciousness on a massive scale during the COVID pandemic, when students received their education at home, where parents could overhear and discover that political indoctrination was being force fed to their offspring.

Mothers and fathers across the country were stunned.

The Independent Women’s Forum addressed the issue in June, stating “The intent is clear… They want to intimidate parents who might want to attend a school board meeting to ask questions, engage in conversation, find out why the school is pursuing certain policies, or express even slight discomfort with the political indoctrination they see in schools… increasingly, school boards are just rubber stamps for…corrupt school leaders…These board members are clever. They’ve gone on defense because they know that, all over the country, parents are getting wise to what’s really happening in schools. And many parents have had enough. The powerful viral videos are out there showing a diverse group of parents from all races, economic, and educational levels, native born and immigrant to this country, speaking out against critical race theory, the 1619 Project curriculum…other woke school policies.”

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A number of organizations have risen to the challenge. Parents Rights in Education believes that “The primary issue today with public schools is the shift of influence in our public school system away from parent involvement. Parents… care about  state and district policies infringing on their rights to make decisions about and with their minor children. The government has infringed upon those rights…” and it’s time to re-establish, to restore our rights!”

The imposition of any partisan perspective in a taxpayer-funded educational environment is unacceptable. The cramming of discredited Marxist and openly false, anti-American curriculum down the throats of students is particularly galling. The Heritage Foundation notes:

“Your children are being indoctrinated. The education system designed to teach them how to think critically has been weaponized by the radical left to push an anti-American agenda… Teachers will assign work instilling the idea that the pillars of Western civilization were evil, and their memories deserve to be thrown in the trash.”

From national organizations to local publications, alarm bells are being rung. Mike Rosen, in the journal Complete Colorado writes: “The academic left’s collective, welcoming utopia of fairness, tolerance, inclusion and social justice is hypocritically intolerant of dissenting viewpoints. And especially unwelcoming to conservatives and others who espouse individualism, limited government, capitalism, and freedom of speech and thought. Students who stand up to these tyrants have been shamed, harassed, tried, convicted and punished before kangaroo courts of administrators, faculty and student vigilantes who deny them due process and the right to confront their accusers…This divisive and destructive mentality has metastasized and filtered down to K-12 education in public schools where most teachers and administrators share the progressive ideology of academia. School curricula is increasingly politicized with a distinct leftist bias.”

A new and deeply disturbing assault on moms and dads has come from the Biden Administration. In an attempt to suppress parental influence, it issued a memorandum directing the FBI to investigate parents whom it maintains “threaten” school boards.  Of course, any use or threat of violence is wholly unacceptable, but this particular move is inappropriate in two important ways. First, bluntly, it’s political purpose is to characterize ALL expressions of parental rights as tantamount to criminal threats. Second, it seeks to federalize the oppression of parents by rogue school boards.

It is an exercise in elitist power that should not be tolerated.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update


Reports indicate there are arbitrary detentions based on ethnicity in Addis Ababa, and that more than 900,000 are facing conflict-induced famine-like conditions. The Biden Administration this week suggested to the Government of Ethiopia that it halt its military campaign, including air strikes in population centers in Tigray, and mobilization of ethnic militias.  Marking the end of a full year of conflict, Thursday evening Secretary of State Blinken issued a written press release calling for immediate action by the Ethiopian government to alleviate the suffering of the Ethiopian people. Blinken stated: “The United States reiterates our deep concern about the risk of intercommunal violence aggravated by bellicose rhetoric on all sides of the conflict, especially on social media. Inflammatory language fuels the flames of this conflict, pushing a peaceful resolution ever further away.” There is no indication from the Department that its statement had any effect on the situation.


Since the military takeover in Sudan, the State Department has made numerous statements in support of the Sudanese people and their aspirations for democracy. State Department Spokesman Ned Price noted that the military has shut down the Internet in Sudan and declared a state of emergency. Price called for the release of all civilian leaders and protest organizers, saying “We join the Sudanese people in calling for justice and accountability for the abuses of human rights… yesterday we spoke to a joint statement that we issued with our British partners, with our Emirati partners, with our Saudi partners, and much of the international community has issued a similar message calling for restoration of the civilian-led democratic government and calling for release of all of those detained since October 26th when the military takeover occurred.” Price pointed out that there are positive incentives but there are also potential and real repercussions. “When it comes to the repercussions that the United States has enacted already, we’ve spoken about the $700 million in Emergency Support Funding that have been paused unless and until the past democracy is restored,” he stated on Thursday. The message the Sudanese military is receiving from the international community is that they are at risk of losing billions in terms of debt relief, lending, and financing from international financial institutions. 


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The US intends to enter into discussions with the Iranian leadership concerning the lengthening and strengthening the JCOPA nuclear deal. The first step, according to Price, is to see to it that Iran’s nuclear program is constrained. He suggested that this is why the US is focused on determining whether a mutual return to compliance could be feasible. “We remain interested in that. If we are able to achieve a mutual return to compliance, we will then use that JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as a baseline to negotiate what we have – the – not only to lengthen and strengthen the provisions of the deal, but to put on the table and to discuss, in a productive and hopefully useful way, other issues of concern, issues that are of concern not only to the United States, but also of concern to our allies and partners in the region as well.” When repeatedly confronted by a reporter about loopholes in verification of Iran’s nuclear status, a reporter finally remarked “And that worked so well that that worked with North Korea?” Price responded: “To the North Korea comparison, the verification and monitoring that the JCPOA spells out for Iran is certainly not what the United States and what the international community had in place with the DPRK prior to its production of a nuclear weapon.” Price did not appear to understand that the reporter was suggesting that a “deal” didn’t stop North Korea from producing a nuclear weapon, but the Spokesman chose to ignore the implications of the question. This type of back-and-forth between the Biden Administration’s State Department and reporters continues to produce vague statements and indicates an ongoing lack of transparency among Administration officials on a wide range of foreign policy issues.


The Biden Administration is changing the State Department’s annual human rights report to reflect a new emphasis on its gender equity program. According to Department Spokesperson New Price, “Advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is a central pillar of US foreign policy.  This includes promoting gender equity, gender equality, and the human rights of women and girls, and improved women’s health outcomes.  And that is why today, the United States has released an addendum to the 2020 Country Report on Human Rights Practices addressing reproductive rights.” Advances in Chinese nuclear missile development and adventurism, Russian aggression in Eastern Europe, Covid, and other foreign policy challenges appear to be moving down the Top 10 priority list in favor of promoting the Biden Administration’s social agenda at home and abroad.

Illustration: Pixabay

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media Inc., which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Saturday, she presents key updates on U.S. foreign policy from the State Department.

Quick Analysis

China’s Missile Tech Advances Rapidly

Do bad events come in threes? President Biden this week may think this is the case. Just when things appear to be settling down a bit after his Afghanistan debacle, the Administration suffered a major Democratic loss in the Virginia gubernatorial race this week that both the President and Vice President suggested would foretell the future direction of the mid-term and 2024 presidential races. The third event came only one day after the election when the Department of Defense (DOD) made a major admission about the increased global threat level from China. DOD estimates that it will, in less than six years, possess at least 700 nuclear weapons and have approximately 1,000 operational by 2030.  The DOD report released this week in “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China,” notes that the 700 number is China’s public released total. Military analysts point out that China may be touting this figure to embolden its position on Taiwan. Tara Copp, a senior Pentagon reporter for Defense One, was briefed on the issue by an anonymous senior Pentagon official who said: “If they [China] realize those goals for 2027, that would provide them with more credible military operations  in a Taiwan contingency.”

China’s fast-paced development of numerous launch pad sites in central and western China over the last 12 months indicates that President Xi Jinping may be making serious preparations to take Taiwan by force, if necessary, in the coming years. Or, China’s nuclear weapons could be a negotiating tool to force the issue of reunification on Beijing’s terms. Xi’s ultimate intention remains unknown, however, the increase in China’s nuclear arsenal and advanced capabilities represent an increased threat not only to Taiwan but to all democratic nations. Last week China confirmed it tested a new hypersonic ballistic missile that can travel around the globe and land on target. With 355 ships and submarines, China has the world’s largest Navy and is rapidly upgrading its quality and naval preparedness. It recently held the first Sino-Russian join exercises in the western Pacific. According to Defense One, many of the ships have long-range precision strike capabilities. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) stands at just under 1 million trained and in uniform. The People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is now the third-largest in the world with a total of 2,800 planes, of which 2,250 are combat aircraft. In the mid-1980’ s China’s air force typically had 50% of its small fleet of planes grounded at any one time for lack of spare parts or pilots. That is no longer the case today. According to National Security Agency Director Army Gen. Paul Nakasone, speaking at the Aspen Security Forum: “This is not the Soviet Union upon which I grew up in; this is a nation-state that has a different risk calculus.” 

Copp noted that a senior DOD official said China “could conduct air and missile strikes and cyber attacks. They could try to, you know, seize, you know, other islands that are not necessarily all of Taiwan, right, but maybe some of the offshore islands. So they’ve got, you know, a range of different things that they are wanting to be prepared to do.” As China develops its ability to conduct a full amphibious landing of Taiwan, or potentially other areas, the world must come to terms with a belligerent communist nation intent on making its presence felt in the world where the global geostrategic balance has dramatically shifted in a short period of time. In a rather disconcerting admission, General Mark Milley who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, said he did not think China would move to take Taiwan “within the next six months to two years.” Copp wrote that having said that Milley also noted “the Chinese are clearly and unambiguously building the capability to provide those options to the national leadership.” 

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The Biden Administration has backed off of strong action against the communist giant in a move that to Beijing must appear as a sign of the Administration’s unwillingness to directly confront Beijing. It may be time to reassess the United States’ China policy… again… while it still is an option.

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media Inc., which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Friday, she presents key updates on China.

Photo: China Space Agency rocket on route to Beijing’s space station (CNAS photo)

Quick Analysis

Biden Strengthens Russia

President Biden has strengthened Russia’s position in Central Asia, according to senior political analysts in Washington, and raised national security concerns for Moscow in Eastern Europe. The regional, political-military environment is slowly coming into focus two months after the mangled US withdrawal in Afghanistan and the picture is stunning, but for all the wrong reasons. President Vladimir Putin is effectively using the botched American intervention to lecture Russian students returning to school this fall on lessons they can learn from the dramatic failure of the American experience. “The Afghanistan debacle has further added credence to Moscow’s claims of Western hypocrisy and failed US democratic state-building,” according to Dominick Sansone, writing in Defense One. He says the repercussions from Afghanistan are destabilizing and reverberating throughout Russia and Eastern Europe. Putin is particularly concerned that the regime collapse in Kabul could inspire anti-Putin domestic groups and East European dissidents, while simultaneously destabilizing Central Asian governments currently leaning toward Moscow. 

Putin served as a career intelligence officer with an expertise in misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda before moving fully into Russian domestic politics. He increasingly has used those skills to his advantage this fall by utilizing the state-controlled media to exhort the Russian people, including students, to study American behavior and what he labels as regime toppling failure and anarchy creation– American style. His talks are broadcast over a number of state-run stations to ensure they reach the widest audience possible across the country. Speaking on state media, Putin said that the US imposed its “own norms and standards of life,” and that it has “spelled nothing but tragedies, casualties and losses for the United States.” Playing the role of wise leader, he suggests “it is imperative to put an end to the [United States’] irresponsible policy of imposing outside values on others, to the desire to building democracies in other countries according to other nations’ “patterns” without regard to historical, national, or religious specifics and totally ignoring the traditions of other nations.” Putin speeches this fall are noticeably devoid of any discussion of Russia’s past behavior in the Crimea or Eastern Europe. 

From the Russian perspective, it is only the Biden Administration’s actions in Afghanistan that have raised the national security threat level along its borderlands in Eastern Europe. Moscow’s leaders have experienced, and long-feared, border wars in Eastern Europe. According to the “Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation” approved by Putin five years ago this month, “Contemporary Russia entered the global arena (following the breakup of the Soviet Union) possessing a tremendous amount of historical experience in international relations and a broad network of multilateral and bilateral relationships.” The foreign policy environment today, according to Putin, serves as both an indicator of, and determining factor for, stability inside Russia and over its borders. It is his position that he must defend Russia from US interventionist policy, according to Sansone. Putin already blames the US for the Ukrainian “color revolution” in Kiev. Now he is warning Russians who may be considering supporting domestic opposition leaders, like Alexei Navalny, to take notice. It appears that Putin’s speeches are unifying much of the population behind him.

Putin points to the inability of the Biden Administration to safely evacuate its own citizens, and Afghans who helped the US during the war. He claims this is indicative of a declining power and comes with a destabilizing effect on other countries. Sansone suggests “The inept US administration and poor military leadership also reflect a decreased capability to defend Washington’s allies. This weakens the strategic position of the United States in Eastern Europe and increases the likelihood of heightened tensions in the region.” East Europeans who believe they cannot count on the support of Washington, may strike out on their own.

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Add to this uncertain security equation that Putin firmly believes the US is Russia’s chief adversary and that Washington wholly intends to surround and infiltrate Russia. The security situation is less murky than a month ago as the West can see more of what Putin fears and the potential for conflict if an imbalance arises. The question military planners in Washington need to consider is, how far will Putin go to ensure that those who oppose him, or support the West, make no progress. From an American perspective, Putin himself may end up the most destabilizing force in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the coming year.

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media Inc., which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Thursdat she presents key updates on Russia.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Delusional Politics

America’s fractured population can’t seem to find a common path to have a less contentious conversation. There is a reason for that.

The traditional divide, Democrats and liberals vs. Republicans and conservatives, has been replaced by a new gap, pitting those who choose realism against those whose perception of actual facts has been overshadowed by their biases. The lines aren’t always along party affiliation, as witnessed by the fights within the Democratic Party of realists such as Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema against Joe Biden and the Progressive caucus.

The fever pitch among realists against the progressive’s immigration, spending, defense, crime and education policies is fueled by what they perceive, correctly, as being the latter’s disregard for the truth. The Biden Administration’s misstatements about Afghanistan, the nonsensical statement that spending $3.5 trillion won’t cost anything and the taxes that support it will not touch the middle class, the claim that “the border is under control” are examples of blatant falsehoods that many believe are arrogant insults to the general citizenry.

Underlying much of the Left’s views on the economy is a refusal to acknowledge the history of socialist societies, which for over a century have failed to produce desirable results. Their belief that currency can be infinitely printed without consequences, in defiance of historical examples such as Germany’s hyper-inflation in the early years of the Twentieth Century, is leading to disaster. America is already close to $29 trillion in debt, amounting to $220,000 per household. Adding more is irresponsible. President Biden insistence that spending trillions will have a “zero price tag,” and foolish statements from progressives such as Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) that spending $3.5 trillion would be only a “modest investment” defy logic.

The Pentagon was left out of the Biden’s proposed spending spree. He sent a package for defense to Congress that, accounting for inflation, resulted in a cut of 2.6%. That figure utterly ignored the massive threats from China’s largest in the world navy, Russia’s globe-leading nuclear arsenal, North Korea’s atomic belligerence, the growing power of terrorist forces, and Iran’s impending weapons of mass destruction breakout. The White House preferred to ignore major dangers abroad in order to divert funds towards its gargantuan social spending programs. Pretending those threats do not exist is a disservice to the nation and an extraordinary exercise of foolishness.

Several Republican senators warn that “President Biden’s budget proposal cuts defense spending, sending a terrible signal not only to our adversaries in Beijing and Moscow, but also to our allies and partners.”

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Add to all that, the White House’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which it insists was a success, inflames realists who can easily see through the blatant falsehood.

Similarly, the lack of candor about the southern border and the nearly unchecked flood of illegal immigration has captured the attention and sparked the anger of realists.   Similar to the Afghanistan mess, Biden has not only failed to accede to the reality of his failed policy but has bizarrely called it a success, despite the enormous evidence to the contrary.  

Mark Morgan, Former Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protectio,n recently wrote in Imprimis “In just a few short months, the Biden Administration has created a disaster on the southern border of the United States. It did so by methodically—and by all indications intentionally—undoing every meaningful border security measure that had been in place. As a result, we have had five straight months of over 170,000 illegal immigrants apprehended at the border. The number in June was the highest in over 20 years. And Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been effectively shut down. Our national discussion of border security is generally misleading, and it is designed to be misleading by those who favor open borders.”

“Intentionally misleading” may well be the mantra of the delusionists who have created so much anger and pain throughout the U.S.A.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Anti-Semitism Grows in Democratic Party

With so much on the line in the Middle East, why have Progressive activists, and some key Democratic Party leaders been so critical against Washington’s key ally in the region?

Iran is on the cusp of becoming a nuclear-weapons power. American Military News reports that Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz and alternate Prime Minister warned that Tehran is moving rapidly ahead with its nuclear weapons program. In violation of its  2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).  The U.S. withdrew from the pac t in protest over Iran’s persistent violations. Gantz noted that Iran could enrich uranium to weapons-grade levels very shortly. Recently, he pleaded with the United Nations Security Council to take note of the crisis and to respond accordingly.

The Mullahs ruling the Islamic Republic have not been shy about their determination to destroy both Israel and the United States.

Iran’s despicable acts are far more widespread than its atomic weapons drive, but Progressives have not made the terrorist nation the subject of their ire. Rather, they focus on its most immediate target, the nation of Israel. That’s consistent with the anti-Semitism of the American Left.

Jacob Dennen, writing in Digital Commons, reveals that “In recent years, anti-Zionism and anti-Israel rhetoric have become hallmarks of the American Left. Moreover, many on the Left have downplayed or denied the severity of antisemitism.”

From current members of the “squad”, including Congressional members Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, (D-NY) Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Illiam Omar (D-MN), Ayannar Pressley (D-Ma), Rashida Talib (D-MI), and Corey Bush (D-MO), to the former vice-chair of the Democratic Party Keith Ellison and others, there is a clear anti-Israel and anti-Semitic wing that has emerged within the Democratic Party, a reflection of the growing influence Progressive have on Democrat leaders.

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It may go much higher than Congressional representatives.

Writing in Newsweek, Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon asked in 2020, “Why Won’t Joe Biden Repudiate Anti-Semitic Democrats?… Anti-Semitism has been on full display among Democratic leaders and left-wing protest groups alike in recent years. Leaders of the Women’s March, for example, proved so undeniably anti-Semitic that even former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz felt compelled to distance herself. Yet those same anti-Semites…were featured speakers at this summer’s Democratic convention. The Women’s March since recruited new leaders—who proved to be just as anti-Semitic.

Black Lives Matter protests have likewise featured anti-Semitic slogans from the beginning. BLM’s official platform accuses Israel of genocide, endorses BDS and expresses such blinding anti-Semitism that even many desperate to support the organization have dissented… These groups form the new base of Biden’s Democratic Party. But the strain of anti-Semitism runs deep. Biden was only the most recent Democratic leader to embrace Al Sharpton, whose anti-Semitic rhetoric led to the 1991 Crown Heights pogrom and the 1995 Freddy’s Fashion Mart massacre. Louis Farrakhan is rapidly becoming acceptable among the Democratic mainstream. In 2008, the Obama campaign paid to bury a then-recent photo of their candidate with Farrakhan. Today, New Jersey senator Corey Booker expresses a willingness to meet him. Last month, Biden and VP candidate Kamala Harris ran to meet and praise known Farrakhan supporter Jacob Blake, Sr.”

A Gatestone Institute study, written by Alan M. Dershowitz, reviewed the effort by Squad, who have outsized influence on the Democratic Party, and discussed that groups efforts to eliminate funding for the “Iron Dome” project, a purely defensive system that seeks to protect Israeli civilians from terrorist missile attacks.  Its technology has far-reaching uses for the U.S. as well. Dershowitz writes: “The time has come, indeed it is long past, for the Democratic leadership to stand strong against the anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-decency squalid Squad. The leadership can no longer stand idly by the bigotry of their members. If they persist in tolerating the intolerable, they will lose the support of the all-important mainstream voters.”

Picture: Rashida Talib (Congressional photo)

Quick Analysis

Fentanyl Failures

In September, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) complained that “For months, I’ve been calling on the Biden administration to get serious about combatting fentanyl knockoffs, which led to a record number of overdose deaths in the United States last year…it appears that the Biden Administration cares more about avoiding new penalties than holding drug traffickers accountable for fueling an opioid epidemic that continues to destroy families and erode communities across the country…” 

 Opioid overdose deaths rose 30 percent in 2020, fueled largely by engineered substances that mimic fentanyl.

The fentanyl crisis began in earnest during the Obama-Biden  Administration. The Washington Post termed the issue the “Obama Fentanyl Failure,” noting:

 “The fentanyl crisis represents an extraordinary public health challenge — and requires an extraordinary public health response… experts wrote to six [Obama] administration officials, including the nation’s ‘drug czar’ and the chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The administration considered the request but did not act on it. The decision was one in a series of missed opportunities, oversights and half-measures by federal officials who failed to grasp how quickly fentanyl was creating another — and far more fatal — wave of the opioid epidemic. In the span of a few short years, fentanyl, a synthetic painkiller 50 times more powerful than heroin, became the drug scourge of our time. Fentanyl has played a key role in reducing the overall life expectancy for Americans.”

The DEA notes that “Drug trafficking organizations typically distribute fentanyl by the kilogram.  One kilogram of fentanyl has the potential to kill 500,000 people.”

 According to that agency, Illicit fentanyl, primarily manufactured in foreign clandestine labs and smuggled into the United States through Mexico, is being distributed across the country and sold on the illegal drug market. 

The dramatic increase in illegal entry into the U.S. during the Biden Administration does not bode well for the coming year’s statistics.

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Testifying before the United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control Caucus   in 2019, U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) Assistant Director Mathew C. Allen stated:

“Illicit Fentanyl, Fentanyl analogies, and their chemical precursors are most often produced in China.  From China, these substances are shipped primarily through mail carriers directly to the U.S., or through TCOs in Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean.  Once in the Western Hemisphere, fentanyl or its analogues are prepared and then mixed into heroin supply, pressed into pill form, then moved to the illicit U.S. market where dependency on prescription opioids ad heroin remains at epidemic proportions. In some cases, traffickers have shipped industrial pill pressed from China to the United States to operate fentanyl pill press mills domestically.  Mexican TCOs also receive shipments of fentanyl, fentanyl analogues and their precursors directly from China.  There is strong evidence that large shipments of fentanyl move from China to Mexico and the shipments are not opened until they are within the United States.  Mexican cartels have seized upon this business opportunity because the profit potential of synthetic opiods and have invested in growing their share of the market.  Because of its low dosage range and potency, one kilogram of fentanyl purchased in China for $3,000-$5,000 can generate upwards of $1.5 million in revenue on the illicit market…”

According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission,  China remains the primary country of origin for illicit fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States.

 The organization notes that “…Chinese traffickers are using various strategies to circumvent new regulations…China’s weak supervision and regulation of its chemical and pharmaceutical industry also enable evasion and circumvention.”

Mexico has become a major entryway for fentanyl to the U.S.  That nation’s infamous cartels work with Chinese suppliers. Cartel drug money is laundered through China’s financial system.

 There is very little genuine cooperation between Washington and Beijing.

Picture: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update


The Department of State announced that it is providing an additional $144 million in humanitarian assistance to those in Afghanistan and to Afghan refugees in the region. “This assistance is provided directly to independent humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other international and non-governmental organizations following extensive vetting and monitoring,” according to a statement released by the Department. At the same time officials announced the US is looking for funding from private American citizens to assist with costs associated with resettling refugees. This comes as the Biden Administration faces continuing criticism for its hand ling of the evacuation of Americans from the country. Some political analysts are citing sources in country saying that over 100,000 persons wanting to leave Afghanistan remain stuck there. 


“On October 8, Russian authorities applied the label of “media foreign agent” to the international investigative journalism project Bellingcat, known for its investigation of the poisoning of Navalny,” according to a statement signed by the United States and almost 20 other nations. It called on Russia to improve freedom of the press in the country, citing the regime’s systematic detention of journalists. The government has subjected the media to harsh treatment after many reported on protests in support of imprisoned opposition figure Aleksey Navalny. The statement noted many cases of harassment and imprisonment of journalists from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), including reporter Vladislav Yesypenko who has been held and tortured since March for reporting on Russia’s invasion of the Crimea. This summer Yesypenko was indicted on specious charges and faces up to 18 years’ imprisonment, according to the State Department. 


The Department of State has issued the first US passport with an “X” gender marker. It announced that gender markers on US passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBAs) have been changed regarding “gender identity” as the Department is moving towards adding an X gender marker for non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons applying for a U.S. passport or CRBA. On Tuesday, New Price, Department Spokesperson, used the Noon Briefing to announce that it was “Intersex Awareness Day.” It appears that climate change and sexual orientation are now moving to the top of the Biden Administration’s foreign policy agenda this week.

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On Tuesday the State Department Spokesperson condemned the anti-democratic actions of the Sudanese military, saying – “it subverted the constitutional declaration of 2019, but in some ways, more importantly, it has subverted the democratic aspirations of the Sudanese people…We’ve joined nations and organizations from across the world in expressing concern. That includes the African Union, it includes the UN, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, France, Germany, Canada, and the UK, Sudan’s neighbors as well.” While $700 million in emergency economic support funds (ESF) to Sudan have been suspended, humanitarian aid is continuing. Price would not confirm if the US will place any additional sanctions on the country or take any new actions against those individuals in the military responsible for the military takeover in Sudan.


The United States wants Taiwan to be given permission to participate in a meaningfully way in the United Nations system, according to a press statement released on Tuesday by the State Department. Price said “the statement made a point that we support Taiwan’s ability to participate meaningfully at the UN and to contribute its valuable expertise to address many of the global challenges we face. That includes global public health, the environment and climate change, development assistance, technical standards, and economic cooperation as well. We reiterated our commitment to Taiwan’s meaningful participation at the World Health Organization and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and we will continue to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in such fora. The Biden agenda highlighted climate change and the environment in the statement while neglecting to mention increasingly aggressive Chinese behavior toward Taiwan.

In a back and forth, heated discussion with a reporter during the press briefing, a reporter said to Price that “The problem is that no one knows what that means, and it just creates more confusion and makes the situation worse. Do you not get that?” Price would only respond that it “was abundantly clear.” Senior officials in the Biden Administration continue to make statements out of sync with its actions. Lately, the media is showing its frustration with the lack of transparency.

Quick Analysis

The Pacific Threat

Countering China in the Pacific may be the greatest test of military strength and political willpower by democratic nations since World War II. The new three-way agreement among the governments of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States [AUKUS], which initially formed a strategic defense alliance to build a class of nuclear-propelled submarines, has expanded into a coalition working across the Indo-Pacific region to push back against the rising threat of an aggressive China. Former Undersecretary of State Thomas Shannon addressed that threat this week at a US Naval Institute conference where he said the most remarkable thing about the agreement is the sharing of advanced technologies, including nuclear propulsion for submarines, and Canberra’s commitment “to an adversarial role with China,”, according to John Grady writing in USNI News. 

AUKUS adds to other US Indo-Pacific defense agreements that include five formal treaty alliances with Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, and Australia-New Zealand. During a CNN interview this week Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen acknowledged for the first time publicly that the United States has 32 troops on the ground in Taiwan training its military forces. While a mostly symbolic move it indicates the official return of US military to the island for the first time since the American Taiwan Defense Commanded ended in 1979. President Biden last week told a televised forum that the United States was ready to defend Taiwan against an invasion from China. But all is not as positive as it appears. 

While it seemed to be good news for Taiwan and the other democratic states of the Indo-Pacific region, senior officials in the Biden Administration quickly exhibited a lack of political willpower when they immediately backed off the President’s statement of support for Taiwan. 

Chinese officials in Beijing viewed the retraction as indicative of a lack of strong leadership by the United States and confirmation of the Biden Administration’s unwillingness to physically confront China should, or when, it decides to take back Taiwan. The White House retreat conflicted with statements by Secretary of State Antony Blinken that “Taiwan has become a democratic success story” and that the US is among many UN members who “view Taiwan as a valued partner and trusted friend.” Blinken added that “Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system is not a political issue, but a pragmatic one.” 

Mixed messages by senior Biden Administration officials have emboldened Chinese President Xi Jinping to move aggressively in the South China Sea. Over China’s National Day week at the beginning of October, Beijing sent a record number of 149 military aircraft southwest of Taiwan in strike group formations. As a warning to Taiwan and the West it also conducted beach landing exercises on its side of the Taiwan Strait. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing, defiantly told reporters that “Taiwan has no right to join the United Nations.” Chinese President Xi Jinping and the CCP have a long history of continuing to push their policy agenda hard until they hit a wall. So far, the Biden Administration is not building a wall. From China’s perspective there is no wall in sight. 

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If Washington and the AUKUS alliance states fail to send a consistent and strong message to China, defense analysts in Washington say that China will continue with its belligerent behavior and it can be expected to increase in intensity in the coming months. This comes as Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed to Bloomberg News for the first time that the Chinese test of a nuclear-capable missile would be very difficult to defend against. He added that “What we saw was a very significant event of a test of a hypersonic weapon system. And it is very concerning.” The Defense Department previously declined to confirm the October 16 test although military analysts knew about advances in China’s hypersonic weapons program for many months. 

If Chinese military preparations for action against Taiwan continue to intensify the AUKUS alliance may be forced into a position that risks a major war in the Pacific. It could emerge from unintended consequences of interactions during exercises or a deliberate act of aggression by China. What is certain is that mixed messages coming from the White House increase the risk among a number of nuclear-armed states in the region. Washington needs to recognize China is no longer a weak, backward nation with barefoot doctors tending its sick. Just this week Chinese researchers announced their new supercomputer is one million times more powerful than its nearest competitor, Google’s Sycamore and that a second light-based machine takes one millisecond to perform a task that would take a conventional computer 30 trillion years. This is the reality of China in 2021. The Biden Administration and AUKUS must address the threat  while the opportunity still exists.

Daria Novak provides updates on China each Friday

Photo: Pixabay