The 2025 Annual Threat Assessment by the US Intelligence Community (IC) was released this week. In addition to an extensive analysis of the war in Ukraine, it includes sections on Russia’s military activities in the Arctic, cyber security, WMD, and space. Russia, aided by China, competes with the West for influence and power. Advanced disruptive technologies are opening new avenues for securing and using Russia’s valuable natural resources and manpower.
Today Putin controls about 50% of the entire Arctic coastline. He views the region as integral to his country’s economic wellbeing and national security posture. Moscow is developing Arctic oil and gas reserves and hopes to position the country to “reap benefits from expected increases in maritime trade,” according to the IC report. The Arctic was flagged as a geographic location of “increasing concern” for the Kremlin last year when NATO enlarged its membership to include the final two previously unaligned states, Sweden and Finland.
For Putin, this raises additional serious questions about economic and military competition with Western nations. With the war in Ukraine draining Russia’s treasury and depleting its manpower by diverting working age men to the miliary, Putin is seeking a closer partnership of convenience with China. Beijing’s involvement with Moscow in the Arctic follows a dual track driven by economic power and military ambitions. At the start of the war Russia unexpectedly lost most of its Black Sea fleet and needed China’s financial and materiel help. That extends China’s influence into a resource-rich region of the world and constrains the perceived strength of NATO. The report also notes that “Russia’s interest in Greenland is focused mainly on its proximity to strategically important naval routes between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans—including for nuclear-armed submarines—and the fact that Greenland hosts a key US military base.” This factor is not lost on China’s leadership.
Chinese President Xi Jinping supports Russian President Vladimir Putin so that he keeps the West, and the US in particular, occupied. “Moscow’s massive investments in its defense sector will render the Russian military a continued threat to US national security, despite Russia’s significant personnel and equipment losses—primarily in the ground forces— during the war with Ukraine,” according to the report. With Chinese assistance, Moscow remains capable of force projection across the globe, with its nuclear and counterspace forces providing ongoing strategic deterrence capability. While Russia’s economy is small, it has an outsized military that includes submarines and bombers with advanced weapons systems. As needed, it imports munitions from Iran and North Korea to circumvent Western sanctions. The IC reports says Russia’s “investments in personnel recruitment and procurement should allow it to steadily reconstitute reserves and expand ground forces in particular during the next decade.”
Russia developed advanced cyber capabilities, too, and is increasingly compromising sensitive targets for intelligence collection and US critical infrastructure. The report calls it a “persistent counterintelligence and cyber attack threat.” It raises concerns that Moscow is acquiring practical experience in cyber-attacks and operations with wartime military action amplifying its potential to “focus combined impact on US targets in time of conflict.” Creating and stoking political discord in the West, sowing doubt in democratic processes and US leadership, and degrading Western support for Ukraine all are part of Putin’s playbook. According to the report, he also has the largest and most diverse nuclear weapons stockpile, along with deployed ground-, air-, and seas-based delivery systems that are modernized, mobile and intended to circumvent or neutralize US missile defense system or deter a retaliatory attack. Russia is also expanding its chemical-biological weapons (CBM) capabilities. “Russian scientific institutes continue to research and develop CBW capabilities, including technologies to deliver CBW agents. Russia retains an undeclared chemical weapons program and has used chemical weapons at least twice during recent years in assassination attempts with Novichok nerve agents, also known as fourth-generation agents, against Russian opposition leader Aleksey Navalny in 2020, and against U.K. citizen Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yuliya Skripal on U.K. soil in 2018.”
In space, the Kremlin oversees new antisatellite weapons capable of disrupting and degrading US and allied space capabilities, along with ASAT missiles designed specifically to target US and allied satellites. With Chinese assistance it is also expanding its arsenal of jamming systems and directed energy weapons (DEW). Sanctions and export controls are constraining Russia. It faces deficiencies in its space-based architecture, domestic space-sector problems, and competition for program resources. According to the report, Moscow remains competitive as it prioritizes assets critical to its national security and integrates military space services over civil space projects. Perhaps most concerning to Washington, is Moscow’s development of a new satellite meant to carry a nuclear weapon as an antisatellite capability. Space detonation could have devastating consequences across the globe.
Although the Russian population is resilient, it continues to pay a heavy price for Putin’s war and concentration of the country’s financial resources on military technologies and activities. Putin’s aggressive behavior is not waning despite the war’s negative impact on Russia’s influence with its partners. It is likely the US, and the West, will continue to face off with a determined Russian leader that does not intend to back down.
Daria Novak served in the U.S. State Dept.
Illustration: Pixabay