Quick Analysis

Biden’s Unprecedented Falsehoods

Exaggeration, as well as inaccurate statements and skirting the law are an unfortunate standard in politics.  The White House has recently admitted that the President made 148 verbal mistakes this year.

However, the issue is not the verbal gaffes made by Mr. Biden.  It is the outright lies, sheer nonsense, and refusal to ignore blatant abuses of federal and local power and funds currently being engaged in by the Democratic Party and its media allies, unlike anything previously seen.

Consider the lies.

The President continues to announce that he is cancelling portions of student debt, even after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the move was unconstitutional.

The Administration has insisted, even under oath, that the border is under control.  That, of course, is sheer nonsense. It’s wide open and an economic, crime, and social disaster for cities and states across the nation. The Biden Administration adamantly refuses to enforce existing law and regulations, and punishes state officials that seek to protect their citizens from this White House manufactured crisis. In defiance of the law, the current White House has not only violated its obligation to protect the borders, it has actually encouraged illegal immigration, even flying aliens to the U.S.

Despite statements by blue state attorneys general and local district attorneys, Crime is not under control.  Our streets and urban transit systems are deeply dangerous. Defunded police departments have been hit hard.  The fabrication that U.S. law enforcement is racist is sheer nonsense. Race-baiting leftist district attorneys and state attornies general ignore the blatant failure of their get out of jail free policies.

Biden alleges that he supports Israel.  However, he constantly undercuts most moves the nation makes in its own self-defense.

The Administration insists it is serious about national security, but its inadequate defense budgets, morale-busting personnel policies, and appeasement policies paint a different picture. The U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force are all on track to be smaller at the end of Biden’s first term than at the beginning. Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, his comment that he wouldn’t respond to “a little” invasion of Ukraine, his refusal to take steps to shoot down China’s spy balloon, and his morale-busting woke policies within the armed forces demonstrate his lack of interest in defense matters.

The President proudly touts support for infrastructure, but will the cash from recent legislation actually be spent as advertised?

The Heritage Foundation reports that “While the plan relies on the moderate and uncontroversial term “infrastructure,” less than 5% would actually go toward traditional road infrastructure projects. Rather, it will be spent on corporate welfare, tax credits, and the left’s radical ‘green’ agenda.”

The Competitive Enterprise Institute notes that “Billions fill the coffers of trade unions and other special interests, who dutifully kick back a portion to their political benefactors in the form of campaign contributions. Investment and Jobs Act, and in addition much of the spending decisions will be distorted by climate policy considerations. All of this waste will also be seen with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and in addition much of the spending decisions will be distorted by climate policy considerations.”

The Brookings Institute notes that “On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law another large expenditure bill, the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill (“The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”). This legislation authorized $550 billion in new funding for projects involving roads and bridges, improvements in water infrastructure, rail improvements, broadband internet and cybersecurity enhancements, replacement of hazardous lead pipes, port improvements, environmental projects, electric vehicle charging stations, and other infrastructure projects……the bill did not focus on the potential for fraud, and “the word fraud appeared only seven times in the 2000-page bill.”

Questionable assertions have become a standard in politics on both sides of the aisle, but the degree to which the Biden Administration engages in this tawdry practice is unprecedented.

Illustration: Pixabay