Americans are stunned at recent developments, including the takeover of major campuses by terrorist sympathizers, the Biden Administration’s use of the Justice Department to attack political opponents, and the media’s abandonment of journalistic ethics. How did this come about?
For too long, our nation has been subjected to a forced deterioration by a collection of elitest politicians, biased media kingpins and self-proclaimed intellectuals who clearly despise much of what America is and much of what it stands for.
America brought about the greatest advance in freedom in history. Our Constitution has been a light to the entire planet. The USA is responsible for bringing more prosperity to more people than has ever occurred before. We have saved the world from Fascism, Nazism (shorthand for “National Socialism,”) and Communism. We have demonstrated that people of different nationalities, races and creeds could live together in harmony. Our science and economics have transformed the world into a far better place.
Those who hate the idea of individual rights seek to reverse those advances. They maintain that because we have, at times, been subjected to the same failings that all mankind shares, we should be knocked down, ignoring the reality that we have recognized those failings and reversed them, even as other parts of the globe have not.
In their desperate bid to divide and reduce America, there is no lie and no tactic they will not engage in. They seek to split us apart in any way possible. They will tell you that police are evil, while setting criminals free. They state that they can’t define what a woman is, and destroy decades of advances in female rights while labelling rationale individuals who oppose that nonsense that they are somehow biased. They abuse the courts for partisan purposes.
They have, unfortunately, made great advances in their despicable goal of replacing personal freedom with the totalitarianism of socialism, a philosophy which essentially states that you are too ignorant and unworthy to run your own life.
They have misused school funds to replace education with leftist indoctrination. They will openly lie in a corrupted and biased media. They will use false and unsubstantiated scientific data to persuade you that unless you give them the power to bring the entire economy under their thumb, the world will burn (after telling you several decades ago that it was about to freeze.) They will tell you that dramatic price increases, the direct result of their absurd economic and energy policies, were inevitable.
Because they feel more comfortable with dictatorships than with democracies, they have refused to enforce sanctions against nations such as Iran. Those protests on the streets against Israel and muddled White House statements are all about that. They will cozy up and personally get rich from China while telling you there is nothing to worry about when the President and other top politicians sell their influence, allowing jobs to go overseas while underfunding our military. They will try to convince you that allowing clear, present and immediate threats such as Chinese surveillance balloons over the nation are OK. They overlook stunning increases in enemy military power so they can continue to funnel funds to their friends through various federal programs.
They spend tax dollars on programs that accomplish little, other than buying votes for themselves and spreading your money to their donors.
They will tell you that those who work with their hands must pay the college tuition of others, furthering the transfer of dollars to universities that spread their propaganda.
They will try to convince you that censorship is acceptable, under the guise of preventing “disinformation.”
They produce schemes to end the American way of life, forcing you out of home ownership with outrageous taxes, and out of your car with ever-increasing fees, gas prices, tolls, and more.
They will use every election scheme imaginable, including ballot harvesting, opposing voter ID, “ranked choice voting,” absurdly faulty voter registration rolls, and others, to get their way. They will drum up bogus charges to handicap candidates they oppose, while allowing real offenses by their candidates to go unpunished and unpublished.
Because so many citizens have refused to succumb to their assaults on freedom, they have allowed and encouraged vast millions with no affinity to our Constitution to illegally enter the nation.
Their ultimate success is not inevitable. Understanding what they have done to assault freedom, and their determination to end the American way of life, is crucial to defeating this greatest threat to our nation that has ever existed.