Quick Analysis

When Protest Really Comes from The Workers, Part 2

So far, the most violent incident involving the protest came not from the truckers, but from someone who attacked the protestors.  “‘A 42yr old male is facing charges after driving through a group of protesters that were part of the Freedom Convoy at the Legislative grounds,’ the Winnipeg Police tweeted Saturday. ‘Four adult males were struck.'”

Nonetheless, the Police Chief of Ottawa, Peter Sloly, is ready to push the panic button.  According to Reuters, “Ottawa police crack down on an ‘increasingly dangerous’ protest by hundreds of truckers who have shut down the center of the Canadian capital…’This remains … an increasingly volatile and increasingly dangerous demonstration,’ (Sloly) told reporters. Protesters in the downtown core ‘remain highly organized, well-funded, extremely committed to resisting all attempts to end the demonstration safely,’ he added.” 

As of the first full week in February, “(p)olice in Canada’s capital said…they had seized thousands of liters of fuel and removed an oil tanker as part of a crackdown to end an 11-day protest against COVID-19 measures…’We are turning up the heat in every way we possibly can,’ Sloly told reporters, days after he said there may not be a ‘policing solution’ to the occupation. ‘We are asking for a major push of resources to come in the next 72 hours.'”

The hypocrisy of the Canadian Prime Minister and Ottawa Police Chief’s stated view of the demonstrably peaceful truck protest contrasts sharply with their support for demonstrably violent Black Lives Matter protestors in June of 2020; “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a knee during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Ottawa…Trudeau did not speak at the event, though he clapped and nodded along with some of the other speakers, including a moment when a speaker asserted there is no middle ground on racism.”  Further, the Ottawa Police had a very different view of that protest; “The Ottawa Police Service told CTVnews in a statement the march was peaceful. ‘We respect the rights of our residents and community members to speak out when they see injustices and we understand the community’s deep pain and frustration,” they said. “Our role is to provide a safe space for people to grieve and be heard.'” 

In Toronto one month later, that provision of a “safe space” for BLM led to “at least three Toronto statues…vandalized…as Black Lives Matter Toronto protesters took to the streets demanding the government defund police… Toronto Police (stated) that there were 30 to 40 people at Bond and Gould Sts. and that ‘demonstrators are damaging statue, throwing paint at a statue.’ Minutes later, police tweeted the protest had moved to Queen’s Park Cr. W. and  Wellesley St. W. with more ‘demonstrators damaging statues, spray painting and throwing buckets of paint on property…'”

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One can only suppose that one form of “deep pain and frustration” entitles the protestor to a “safe space,” where statutes can be vandalized, while another, more directly economic form of protest, is to be considered “increasingly dangerous,” and is to be met with a “crackdown.”  

But let’s give the final word here to Tucker Carlson; “Watch what happens when actual workers, working people from working families who constitute the working class, actually come together as a group to protest how things are going. What happens then? Does the intellectual class greet these workers as heroes? Throw a parade? Listen intently to their stories? Does NPR do a sympathetic feature on them? Or, do self-described progressives recoil in revulsion and horror at the grubbiness of the people who as we used to say, work for a living? Do liberals immediately denounce them as Nazis and call for their suppression by force? That’s the question. What’s the answer? We’ll ask Trump voters what happens. They’ll know.” 

Come on and join our convoy
Ain’t nothin’ gonna get in our way
We gonna roll this truckin’ convoy
‘Cross the USA

Judge John Wilson (ret.) served on the bench in NYC.

Illustration: Pixabay