Quick Analysis

When Protest Really Comes from The Workers

‘Cause we got a great big convoy
Rockin’ through the night
Yeah, we got a great big convoy
Ain’t she a beautiful sight?

Convoy, CW McCall, 1975

Unless you’ve been watching nothing but the “Genocide” Olympics this past week or so, you have probably become aware that the truck drivers of Canada are engaged in a massive protest.  What are they protesting?  High fuel costs?  Long working hours?  Inequitable pay scales?  Not quite.

In 2021, “Transport Canada—a department within the Canadian government responsible for transportation policies and programs…established vaccination policies for employees in Canada’s federally regulated air, rail and marine transportation sectors…In addition to the regular travel documents like identification, passports and boarding passes, a business traveler will need the Canadian COVID-19 proof of vaccination.” According to the Transport Canada website, this vaccine mandate includes truckers. 

Canada is not alone in imposing this requirement. “‘Starting on January 22, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security will require that non-U.S. individuals entering the United States via land ports of entry or ferry terminals along our Northern and Southern borders be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and be prepared to show related proof of vaccination,’ said (DHS) Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas.”

According to the President of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, Stephen Laskowski, “The Government of Canada and the United States have now made being vaccinated a requirement to cross the border. This regulation is not changing so, as an industry, we must adapt and comply with this mandate…(t)he only way to cross the border, in a commercial truck or any other vehicle, is to get vaccinated.”

Apparently, Laskowski’s membership does not agree with his call for compliance with the mandate.

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“Tens of thousands of truck drivers have formed a caravan to draw attention to their cause and protest new vaccine mandates. The ‘Freedom Convoy’ departed from Vancouver, Canada…with some estimates at 50,000 truck drivers heading for Ottawa, the nation’s capital, to protest new vaccine mandates to cross the U.S-Canada border…The large trucks have been joined by regular vehicles in opposition to the mandate, one of several COVID-19 policy protests to break out around the world in recent months. Photos and videos of the convoy have flooded social media sites like Twitter, furthering the reach of the protest and rallying anti-mandate sentiments in the U.S and abroad.

According to the protest organizers, “Our current government is implementing rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods…We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive. It’s our duty as Canadians to put an end to these mandates. We are doing this for our future Generations and to regain our lives back.” 

Once the truckers arrived in Ottawa and began to block the streets outside the Canadian Parliament, the response from the government was predictable.   “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded an end…to a protest by hundreds of truckers against Covid-19 restrictions that has paralyzed the capital, as Ottawa’s mayor called on federal authorities for support. ‘It has to stop,’ Trudeau said during an emergency debate in the House of Commons…Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson earlier urged the federal government to send an additional 1,800 police officers and appoint a mediator to work with protesters to ‘end this siege’ that has infuriated local residents with incessant honking and diesel fumes…Watson declared a state of emergency in the capital, declaring the protests ‘out of control.'” 

Besides honking their air horns and blocking the streets, its unclear just how the protestors are “out of control.”  According to Sean Spence writing for the website, The Conversation, “The hundreds of truck drivers and their supporters who have descended upon Parliament Hill to protest vaccine mandates appear to be settling in for the long haul, with some saying they could be in the Canadian capital for months. While the protest hasn’t descended into large-scale violence, there have been several arrests, war memorials and national monuments have been desecrated and the Confederate flag and Nazi symbols have made appearances.”  Spence then launches into a hysterical, overblown comparison of the truck protest with January 6, several Islamic terror attacks, and Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma in 1995 – while exhibiting a photo of several truckers playing hockey in the streets of Ottawa.   

As it turns out, Spence’s view of the “mayhem” attendant to the Ottawa protest may be…exaggerated.  “(T)here was in the large crowd not a single arrest over the past weekend. There were no acts of violence. The liberal media made a big fuss over a supposed desecration of a monument (someone peed on it, apparently) and because someone spotted a Confederate flag. To the chagrin of the left, it was, to use a once-popular description, a ‘largely peaceful’ protest.” 

The article concludes tomorrow

Judge John Wilson (ret.) served on the bench in NYC.

Photo: Pixabay