Quick Analysis

Putin’s Russia Is On The Move… Or Is It?

“US intelligence has found the Kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive as soon as early next year involving up to 175,000 troops,” according to officials in Washington and an intelligence document obtained by The Washington Post. President Vladimir Putin this week is making blatant demands of President Biden that he guarantee the United States will not send any troops to join NATO in response to a possible Russian offensive or help the Ukraine in any way. In addition, he is demanding that Biden sign a statement promising the United States will not support an expansion of NATO to include Ukraine or Georgia while also limiting US and NATO-related military activity near Russia’s borders.

Washington Post writer Shane Harris, referring to the leaked intelligence document in the paper, writes that an unnamed Biden Administration official told him that “The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia’s snap exercise near Ukraine’s borders… The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment.” Russian forces already appear to be massing in four locations in preparation for an offensive sometime soon after Christmas. According to the US intelligence document, 50 battlefield tactical groups are deployed, along with “newly arrived” tanks and artillery. US satellite imagery from November indicates that the size of the buildup of troops along the Ukrainian border enables Putin to call for a rapid escalation if he decides to move.

Officials in Washington have not said yet whether they believe Putin has already made the decision to invade the Ukraine. However, all signs indicate an attack is imminent in the coming weeks. Earlier this year Russian forces, in what was labeled a military exercise, rehearsed for a ground and air invasion along the Ukrainian border. After ending the “exercise” Russian forces left heavy military equipment in the area. The forward basing of materiel is a further indication of Russia’s intent to attack in the near future. The US intelligence document leaked to the Washington Post says the placement of “Equipment may be left behind at different training ranges to enable a rapid, final buildup.” 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in public comments this week, said “We must prepare for all contingencies,” echoing Putin’s warning to the US to stay away and not allow NATO to interfere. Lavrov declared that “The nightmare scenario of military confrontation is returning.” Russia, long known for its extensive propaganda campaigns, is using its intelligence operatives to help spin the story. A US official said: “Recent information also indicates that Russian officials proposed adjusting Russia’s information operations against Ukraine to emphasize the narrative that Ukrainian leaders had been installed by the West, harbored a hatred for the ‘Russian world,’ and were acting against the interests of the Ukrainian people.”

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In a recent meeting with Ukrainian officials, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned officials in Kiev  not to give Russia any pretext for invasion. Yet twenty-four hours after warning Putin that the US would impose sanctions on Russia if it invaded the Ukraine, Biden responded to a reporter’s question about possible US troop involvement by stating “That is not on the table.” Biden’s clearly-worded statement is interpreted by some political analysts in Moscow as the US President, in effect, giving Putin a “go ahead” signal by revealing the US military will step aside if Russian troops invade its neighbor. In an earlier statement Karine Jean-Pierre, the deputy White House press secretary, appeared to contradict Biden when she said “… we are preparing for all contingencies, as we have been doing for weeks now, including preparing specific robust responses to Russian escalation should they be required.” Putin must have heard the mixed signals coming out of Washington and taken it as carte blanche for his plan.

While Putin may only be attempting a diplomatic maneuver against admission of the Ukraine into NATO, without the use of a military force, it is an unlikely scenario. Under NATO rules a nation-state must be free of foreign forces controlling any part of its territory before it can qualify to become a Member State. Neither Ukraine nor Georgia qualify for full membership in NATO due to the occupation of their territory by Russian military forces. The more likely scenario is that Putin is seizing an opportunity given the recent US debacle during its withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan. Putin may assume it is on the minds of leaders in Washington and that none have the political willpower to get involved in another costly conflict that could escalate quickly to war throughout the European continent.

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media Inc., which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.

Photo: File photo of Russian tank (Russian Defence Ministry)