The Biden Administration has discussed declaring a “climate emergency,” which will be a pretext for engaging in the largest government assumption of power over the American economy in history. It also seeks to have the nation re-enter the Paris Climate “Accord,” which in reality is a treaty that was never presented to the U.S. Senate, and has more to do with enacting socialist economic ideals than improving the environment.
There has been a great of criticism over the unprecedented and expensive proposals agreed to as part of the Paris Climate Accord. An review notes that even if climate change was as dire as advocates maintain, the economy-busting Paris Climate Accord would have little impact. “According to the latest annual UN report on the ‘emissions gap,’ the Paris agreement will provide only a third of the cuts in greenhouse gas that environmentalists claim is needed to prevent catastrophic warming. If every country involved in those accords abides by their pledges between now and 2030 — which is a dubious proposition — temperatures will still rise by 3 degrees C by 2100. The goal of the Paris agreement was to keep the global temperature increase to under 2 degrees.”
The American Enterprise Institute questions the viability of the Paris Climate Accord proposals. “If we apply the EPA climate model under a set of assumptions that strongly exaggerate the effectiveness of international emissions reductions, the Paris emissions cuts, if achieved by 2030 and maintained fully on an international basis through 2100, would reduce temperatures by that year by 0.17 of a degree. The US contribution to that dubious achievement—the Obama climate action plan—would be 0.015 of a degree. Add another 0.01 of a degree if you believe that the Obama pseudo-agreement with China is meaningful. (It is not.) This effort to reduce GHG emissions would impose costs of at least 1 percent of global GDP, or roughly $600 billion to $750 billion or more per year, inflicted disproportionately upon the world’s poor. Would those arguing that the US should preserve the Paris status quo please explain how it can be justified simply as a straightforward exercise in benefit-cost analysis?”
Climate change is also being used by some state officials as an excuse to raise taxes, taking advantage of, and essentially eliminating within their jurisdictions, the impact of the Trump tax cuts.
The current Biden-John Kerry arguments are based on absolute falsehoods.
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One of Biden’s early targets has been the Keystone Pipeline, a particularly irrational move. Transporting oil using a pipeline is clearly safer and more environmentally friendly than any other method. The statistics prove this beyond a doubt. But opposing Keystone is actually a cover for the real objective: eliminating the use of oil altogether.
The Report concludes tomorrow
Illustration: Pixabay