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Month: February 2021

An analysis from the distinguished jurist Judge John H. Wilson, (ret.)
The Biden Administration has wasted no time in declaring our borders open to illegal aliens. One of the 46th president’s first acts was an Executive Order “on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities.” This Order specifically revokes President Trump’s 2017 Executive Order 13768, which states that “Sanctuary jurisdictions across the United States willfully violate Federal law in an attempt to shield aliens from removal from the United States. These jurisdictions have caused immeasurable harm to the American people and to the very fabric of our Republic.” Gone now is Executive Order 13768’s directive to “(e)nsure(d) that jurisdictions that fail to comply with applicable Federal law do not receive Federal funds.”
As reported in the Texas Tribune, based upon this “Revision of Priorities” Order, “(t)he Department of Homeland Security announced two significant immigration policy changes…a 100-day pause on deportations for some undocumented immigrants (and) asylum seekers who attempt to enter the United States will no longer be part of a controversial policy enacted under former President Donald Trump that has forced tens of thousands to wait in Mexico for American court hearings.”
Further, by Proclamation, Biden has declared “the Termination of Emergency with Respect to the Southern Border of the United States and Redirection of Funds Diverted to Border Wall Construction.” In the words of this Proclamation, “building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution. It is a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security…I have determined that the declaration of a national emergency at our southern border in Proclamation 9844 of February 15, 2019…was unwarranted. It shall be the policy of my Administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall.”
In response to these changes, a large caravan of Hondurans attempted to push their way through Guatemala on their way to Mexico, and eventually, the Southern US border. As one member of the caravan stated, “Now that the new president (Biden) is here we are waiting for the answer, all of us immigrants who are here from Honduras…We are looking to see what the new president says to move forward.” However, as reported by AP, the “once large caravan of Honduran migrants that pushed its way into Guatemala last week had dissipated by Tuesday in the face of Guatemalan security forces. Small groups pressed on toward the Mexican border, while others accepted rides from authorities back to Honduras.”
Nevertheless, how long will the Mexicans and Guatemalans hold back Hondurans from traveling through their countries? Those applying for asylum no longer need to wait in Mexico for their application to be heard, those in the United States illegally won’t be deported, and sanctuary cities will not lose federal funding for harboring illegal aliens. Sounds like the “coyotes” and other people smugglers are back in business.
Ronald Tamler , a commander levitra medical expert working for the Mount Sinai Clinical Diabetes Institute in New York for guidance and help in fighting anti-aging. It offers effective treatment for mental, physical and sexual health http://www.unica-web.com/watch/2010/marivanna.html cialis uk and wellbeing. Also many online drug stores provide you with find out this web-site samples of generic viagras. You shall ask all manner of questions that you need not have buy tadalafil online to hurry up with your happy hours.Maybe you think these changes are the worst we can expect from the Biden Administration on the issue of illegal immigration. If so, you’d be wrong. A more significant change, with far-reaching effects has also been instituted by President Biden.
As described by James DeLong in the Federalist, “(t)he Enumeration Clause, as modified by the 14th Amendment, says representatives are apportioned among the states ‘according to their respective numbers,’ as determined by ‘counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.’ The clause goes on to require a decennial enumeration—we know this as the census.”
Zachary Mueller of America’s Voice describes the importance of the census; “The number of U.S. House seats was capped at 435 total seats in 1929, and each House district contains roughly the same number of people, which means that states can lose or gain House seats depending on how their population has changed since the last census. Currently, each House member represents about 747,000 people as there (are) about 327 million people in the U.S. The upcoming 2020 census will determine which states will lose seats and which will gain seats.”
The Report Concludes Tomorrow
Illustration: Pixabay

The media has chosen to ignore the rising tide of anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party.
With the election of Raphael Warnock as a new senator from the state of Georgia, and the rising strength of the hard left within the Democratic leadership, the issue looms larger than ever.
As noted in the PRnewswire “…his past record as a Pastor is replete with vitriolic anti-Israel allegations and conspiratorial accusations.”
Warnock is, in fact, a prime example of the marriage between the the Democratic Party’s growing socialist wing and the traditional disdain socialist have for Jews.
There is, of course, anti-Semitism within some elements of the far-right. But it is a largely discredited element, reviled and rejected by GOP and conservative leaders. Leftist Democrats who embrace anti-Semitism, however, have extraordinary influence.
Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon, writing in Newsweek during the fall, asked “Why won’t Joe Biden repudiate anti-Semitic Democrats? Anti-Semitism has been on full display among Democratic leaders and left-wing protest groups alike in recent years. Leaders of the Women’s March, for example, proved so undeniably anti-Semitic that even former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz felt compelled to distance herself. Yet those same anti-Semites—Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory—were featured speakers at this summer’s Democratic convention. The Women’s March since recruited new leaders—who proved to be just as anti-Semitic.
The Jewish Journal reports that author Ruth Wisse..asks “Can Liberals Confront Anti-Semitism? Good people… have always been susceptible to the anti-Jewish left that speaks in the name of a higher morality. One sees liberals not just caving in the face of anti-Jewish aggression but degenerating into socialist and leftist illiberalism…it is certainly happening in America right now.”
A 2019 incident illustrates the issue. Rep. Illhan Omar made an anti-Semitic comment, and some moved to condemn it, assuming the move would be a an easy one. However, as noted in the Associated Press, “rank-and-file Democrats circled the wagons around freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar…forcing party leaders to retreat from plans to rebuke her by passing a resolution condemning anti-Semitism…the retreat from a resolution condemning anti-Semitism was an embarrassing misstep for Democratic leaders.”
Jonathon Marks, writing for Commentary magazine, notes that “Democrats… seem determined to hold on to those who do Jews harm.”
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But it doesn’t end there.
In New York State’s Hudson Valley, Democrat Rep. Antonio Delgado, has blasted Israel with false accusations. He has not been rebuked by his party.
Even the very Democrat-leaning New York Times has noticed the trend. Catie Edmondson wrote in 2018, “A cluster of activist Democrats — most of them young, …has dared to breach what has been an almost inviolable orthodoxy in both political parties, strong support for Israel… They include Ilhan Omar …Rashida Tlaib, [and Rep.] Ocasio-Cortez.
The Times article failed to include former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who ran as the Democrat candidate for governor in Florida. Gillum is a staunch supporter of groups that push the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
As has previously reported, it is not coincidental that the Democrat’s growing anti-Semitism has grown as the hard-left has increased its influence and power within the party. Chris Pandolfo, writing for the Conservative Review notes that “As insurgent hard-Left socialists become the face and the ‘future’ of the Democratic Party, their connections to anti-Semitic organizations and attitudes are becoming more apparent…the rise of these socialist candidates, the radicalism and anti-Semitic tendencies of the far Left, ought to concern every American. The inroads democratic socialists are making within the Democratic Party and the mainstreaming of anti-Israel rhetoric and policies should be widely discussed by a mainstream media…But instead, the Left is given a pass by a left-wing media that believes the most anti-Semitic socialist is preferable to a conservative Republican.”
The Obama Administration opened the door to both hard-left policies and anti-Israel sentiments, dramatically replacing America’s support for both Israel and moderate Arab states with support for Iran and the Moslem Brotherhood.
Photo: Rep. Omar official site

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government concludes its excerpts from The Congressional-Executive Commission on China Report.
The Chinese government continued its hardline approach to exerting control over journalists and other independent voices. In 2019, China reportedly had detained the highest number of imprisoned journalists in the world. This past year, the Chinese government expelled New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post journalists from mainland China and Hong Kong while strengthening government and Party control of domestic media outlets. Hundreds of citizens have been penalized for sharing online information and concerns about the COVID–19 outbreak and have been accused of ‘‘rumor-mongering.’’ Authorities reportedly detained two Beijing-based legal scholars—prominent civil society advocate Xu Zhiyong and leading public intellectual Xu Zhangrun— in connection with their criticism of Xi Jinping.
Civil society played a critical role in the COVID–19 response, as citizens worked through civil society organizations and grassroots volunteer groups to assist the most vulnerable people impacted by the pandemic. The people of China continued to participate in diverse forms of collective organization for mutual and public interest, including popular protest, issue-based grassroots advocacy, and professionalized charities and social enterprises. In recent years, rights advocates working on a broad range of issues, from gender equality to labor to disability rights, have been targets of government repression and exclusion. For example, several rights advocates who gathered informally to discuss civil society developments in December 2019 were detained and charged with ‘‘inciting subversion of state power.’’ Meanwhile, organizations aligned with official priorities have become integral to providing public services.
Criminal law and police power continued to be used to punish government critics, rights advocates, religious believers, and ethnic minority groups. Various types of arbitrary detention, including some forms of extrajudicial detention, were used to deprive individuals of their liberty, contravening international human rights standards.
Five years after the July 2015 ‘‘709 Crackdown’’ on human rights lawyers and rights defenders, many of those Chinese lawyers and rights defenders are surveilled by public security authorities in what one leading expert has termed ‘‘non-release release.’’ Lawyers continued to face repression, intimidation, and punishment for attempting to protect human rights in China. Besides detention and imprisonment, the Chinese government used administrative measures, including disbarment, to target lawyers who express critical views or who advocate for clients whom the Chinese government has tried to suppress.
The Chinese government further intensified the campaign of ‘‘sinicization’’ to bring religion in China under closer official control and in line with officially sanctioned interpretations of Chinese culture, thereby curtailing religious freedom. The rights of religious believers continued to be violated, as churches, mosques, and temples were demolished; underground religious groups were targeted; surveillance was expanded; and religious leaders were detained and imprisoned. Wang Yi, the founder and pastor of the Early Rain Covenant Church, was sentenced to nine years in prison for ‘‘inciting subversion of state power,’’ despite the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention deeming his detention ‘‘arbitrary’’ according to international human rights standards.
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Women in China have faced even more difficult circumstances due to the disproportionate risks and burdens associated with the essential role they have played in the COVID–19 response. During the pandemic, domestic violence rose substantially, and experts predicted that already existing gender gaps in employment and well-being would be further exacerbated by the economic and social disruption caused by the outbreak. Women’s rights advocacy continues to face heavy repression, but the inclusion of anti-sexual harassment provisions in the Civil Code in May 2020 shows that their advocacy has had an impact.
Independent trade unions are banned in China. Labor rights advocates and citizen journalists continued to be targeted and detained for their work, including for documenting numerous workers’ strikes and subsequent crackdowns. The level of unemployment and labor unrest is significant, although the severity is difficult to ascertain due to censorship and government control of information.
Everyone deserves a government that respects their human rights, their culture, and their hopes and dreams for a better life for themselves and their families. As the Chinese government expands its global influence, the international community must be aware that intensifying authoritarianism in China is also a threat to internationally recognized human rights norms as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is essential that the U.S. Congress and the Administration work together to promote effective policies to support human rights and the rule of law in China.
Photo: China Defence Ministry

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (Commission) was established by the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2000 (Public Law No. 106–286) as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) prepared to enter the World Trade Organization. The Commission’s 2020 Annual Report covers the period from July 1, 2019 to July 1, 2020. We provide this excerpt:
The Chinese government and Communist Party have taken unprecedented steps in the last year to extend their repressive policies through censorship, intimidation, and the detention of individuals and groups for exercising their fundamental human rights, especially in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) and Hong Kong.
In recent years, the Commission has become increasingly concerned that the Chinese government and Party have expanded their human rights violations around the world, even reaching the American people. These efforts include threatening and intimidating critics, blocking social media content, pressuring publishers to censor their content in China, influencing academic institutions to the detriment of academic freedom, interfering in multilateral institutions, and pressuring U.S. and international companies to suppress practices that do not conform to the political narratives and demands of Chinese officials.
The Commission has contributed to bringing these issues to light with a series of hearings on the Chinese government’s ‘‘long arm of authoritarianism.’’
In addition to the recommendations contained in this report, the Commission drafted, edited, and provided support for key legislative initiatives including the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, the PROTECT Hong Kong Act, the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, the Tibetan Policy and Support Act, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, and many other House and Senate bills and resolutions related to China and human rights
Over the last year, the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (Commission) found that the Chinese government and Communist Party have taken unprecedented steps to extend their repressive policies through censorship, intimidation, and the detention of people in China for exercising their fundamental human rights. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) where new evidence emerged that crimes against humanity—and possibly genocide—are occurring, and in Hong Kong, where the ‘‘one country, two systems’’ framework has been effectively dismantled.
These policies are in direct violation of China’s Constitution, which guarantees ‘‘freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration,’’ as well as ‘‘freedom of religious belief.’’ The actions of the Chinese government also contravene both the letter and the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; violate its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the Chinese government has signed but not ratified; and violate the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, ratified in 2001. Further, the Chinese government has abandoned any pretense of adhering to the legally binding commitments it made to the international community when it signed the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration on the future of Hong Kong.
President and Party General Secretary Xi Jinping has tightened his grip over China’s one-party authoritarian system, and the Party has further absorbed key government functions while also enhancing its control over universities and businesses. Authorities promoted the official ideology of ‘‘Xi Jinping Thought’’ on social media and required Party members, government officials, journalists, and students to study it, making the ideology both pervasive, and for much of the country, mandatory.
In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), it is now estimated that up to 1.8 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Hui, and others have been arbitrarily detained in a system of extrajudicial mass internment camps where they are subjected to forced labor, torture, and political indoctrination. In the last year, leaked Chinese government documents provided additional evidence that the mass internment camp system was organized at the direction of top Party officials and confirmed the prevalence of the use of coercive force and punishment for inmates.
Forced labor in the XUAR is widespread and systematic and exists within the mass internment camps and elsewhere throughout the region, as part of a targeted campaign of repression against Turkic and Muslim minorities. These facts are confirmed by the testimony of former camp detainees, satellite imagery, media reports, and leaked government documents. Many U.S., international, and Chinese companies are increasingly at risk of complicity in the exploitation of forced labor involving Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities.
In last year’s annual report, the Commission stated that the situation in the XUAR may constitute crimes against humanity as outlined in Article 7(1) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. In March 2020, the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum stated that there is a ‘‘reasonable basis to believe the government of China is committing crimes against humanity’’ in the XUAR.
The most commonly used devices levitra sale are quick balance tension meters, mechanical force gauge; force control switches 3etc. It releases certain hormones and neurotransmitters cialis for cheap price to signal the penile organ for an erection. There is a little bit of a hurdle to overcome before your adsense code can be activated it just means that all players understand there is a link between hemafecia and benign prostatic hyperplasia, heart ailment, high blood pressure and if there is any other ailment for a person of diabetes is a fast spreading epidemic which affects around 15% of the levitra online devensec.com adult population. Typically the effects of the drug last for around female viagra in india 4 to 6 hours.Disturbing new evidence has also emerged of a systematic and widespread policy of forced sterilization and birth suppression of the Uyghur and other minority populations. Further, an official XUAR policy document from 2017 stated that nearly half a million middle and elementary school-age children in the XUAR were attending boarding schools, many of whom were involuntarily separated from their families. These trends suggest that the Chinese government is intentionally working to destroy Uyghur and other minority families, culture, and religious adherence, all of which should be considered when determining whether the Chinese government is responsible for perpetrating atrocity crimes—including genocide—against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other Turkic and predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities in China.
In Hong Kong, the ‘‘one country, two systems” framework has been dismantled, severely undermining the rule of law and respect for human rights that the territory has long enjoyed. The political turmoil in Hong Kong over the past year is the result of the Hong Kong and Chinese governments’ refusal to address the legitimate demands of the Hong Kong people that excessive police violence against peaceful protesters be stopped and investigated. Authorities arrested pro-democracy leaders, prevented journalists from reporting, applied political pressure on the judiciary, and allowed the Hong Kong Police Force to grow increasingly abusive toward nonviolent protesters.
Instead of reducing tensions, the Chinese government bypassed Hong Kong’s Legislative Council to impose national security legislation that directly threatens Hong Kong residents’ right to due process, as well as their freedoms of expression and association. The legislation is clearly meant to target, intimidate, and silence Hong Kong’s robust civil society, including the many organizations that have advocated for human rights in mainland China from the relative safety of Hong Kong.
Despite these challenges, the spirit of democracy and human rights remains strong in Hong Kong. Hundreds of thousands gathered in Victoria Park to commemorate the 31st anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen protests, even though the Hong Kong Police Force refused to authorize the annual candlelight vigil.
Chinese officials continue to avoid transparency and accountability to the families of those killed, tortured, imprisoned, or exiled for their participation in the pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square and throughout China during the spring of 1989. The Tiananmen Mothers, a group in China composed of parents and family members of individuals killed, annually call for justice, truth, and accountability about the massacre.
In Tibet, the Chinese government continued—as it has for over a decade—to block dialogue with the Dalai Lama, his representatives, or the Central Tibetan Administration toward a negotiated agreement. Religious freedom continued to be severely curtailed as new measures have been implemented to manage and shape Tibetan Buddhism as part of the policy of ‘‘sinicizing religion.’’ Chinese officials continued to claim that they have the sole authority to select the next reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, in violation of the religious freedom of the Tibetan Buddhist community. In the Tibet Autonomous Region, new regulations on ‘‘ethnic unity’’ were passed this year that mandate acceptance and promotion of government ethnic and religious policy.
It has been 25 years since Gedun Choekyi Nyima, the 11th Panchen Lama, was abducted along with his parents and forcibly disappeared. Since then, they have not been seen or heard from by anyone outside China, and to this day they remain among the world’s longest detained political and religious prisoners. The members of the Commission continue to call for their immediate and unconditional release.
The outbreak of COVID–19 in Wuhan municipality, Hubei province, in late 2019 caused incalculable suffering for the people of China and presented a major challenge to the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership. The strategy employed by the Chinese government in response to the pandemic echoed its responses to other domestic and international challenges. Chinese officials used the heavy hand of repression, censorship, and secrecy to control the public narrative in a manner designed to preserve the political legitimacy of the Party. Attempts to minimize the severity of the outbreak by censoring vital information and silencing doctors exacerbated the spread of COVID–19 in China and around the world. Instead of providing a full and transparent accounting of the emergence of the novel coronavirus in China, the Chinese government pushed back against calls for an independent international investigation.
The Report concludes tomorrow.
Photo: President Xi china Defence Ministry
The EMS Threat

The U.S. General Accounting Office has released a study on a comparatively new and crucial area of defense: the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS.) The EMS is essential for facilitating control in defense on air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains. the natural range of frequencies that support various warfighting functions such as communications, navigation, and weapons usage.
The pervasiveness of the EMS across almost all warfighting operations means that maintaining or achieving EMS superiority against an adversary is critical to battlefield success. The Pentagon stresses that the EMS is essential for facilitating control within the operational environment and impacts all domains—air, land, sea, space and cyber—and portions of military operations.
According to DOD, America needs to control the spectrum to support warfighting functions or it risks losing control of the battlespace. Other military capabilities across warfighting domains require use of the electromagnetic spectrum. These include such things as signals intelligence on adversary transmissions, information operations that affect adversary decision-making, and command and control functions that link communications between U.S. forces.
Very troubling studies by the Department of Defense (DOD) and others reveal that China and Russia are highly aware of the importance of EMS. Both those nations have taken steps to improve their ability to threaten America’s ability to use and control this key area. China and Russia have invested decades in developing capabilities that could degrade DOD’s operations and affect superiority in the EMS,cyberoperations, and other elements of the information environment.
China in particular has made control of the EMS spectrum a key goal. The Report notes that “Drawing heavily on Chinese source documents, a 2018 RAND study further characterized China’s strategic military approach as one that emphasizes “comprehensive dominance” in traditional domains (air, land, and sea) as well as space, cyber, psychological warfare, and the electromagnetic spectrum. The study notes that dominance across domains is framed by a Chinese military theory that victory is predicated on successfully waging ‘system destruction warfare’ to paralyze or destroy an enemy’s systems. The theory further contends that integrated combat forces should be used in system versus system operations that feature information dominance, precision strikes, and joint operations, according to the RAND study. “
America’s adversaries are more diligent in seeking EMS dominance.
“China is taking steps to enhance its capabilities to use the EMS through strategic, organizational, and training advances. Meanwhile, Russian electromagnetic warfare forces, described by the Defense Intelligence Agency as ‘world class,’ have demonstrated their effectiveness through successful real-world applications against U.S. and foreign militaries.”
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“In a 2019 report to Congress, DOD noted that Chairman Xi Jinping has articulated a strategic vision to create a force that dominates all networks, uses information operations to control a conflict in its early stages, and that enables China’s ability to perform in the electromagnetic spectrum as part of joint military operations.
“The DOD report also recognized China’s strategic vision by noting that China emphasizes EW dominance by suppressing, degrading, disrupting, or deceiving enemy electronic equipment. This includes targeting adversary systems that operate in radio, radar, microwave, infrared, and optical frequency ranges, as well as computer and information systems.”
China has taken specific steps toward the realization of their EMS strategic vision.
What’s at stake? The Pentagon warns that Without control of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)—the natural range of frequencies that support various warfighting functions such as communications, navigation, and weapons usage—DOD risks losing control of the battlefield. DOD conducts specific EMS operations (EMSO)—such as electromagnetic warfare (EW)—but also relies on the EMS for many other uses even as these operations have placed increasingly complex demands on the spectrum. The U.S. military’s operations in all domains— air, land, sea, space, and cyber—depend on the ability to use and control the EMS. However, technological advances could result in EMS dependent capabilities being among the first to be targeted in a conflict.
Illustration: DoD
Importance of Space Commerce

The economic implications of space are virtually unlimited. In December, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross addressed the Eighth meeting of the National Space Council. The New York Analysis of Policy and Government presents key portions of his remarks:
SpaceX executed its 100th successful commercial Falcon 9 rocket launch, sending a crew and thousands of pounds of supplies and research gear aboard a Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station. I am reminded of a time not long ago when travel among the stars was merely a distant goal, before it was even a race among nations.
American business people continue creating new ways to make space more commercially accessible.
Such landmark accomplishments in the commercial space field come alongside record-breaking economic investment in space activities. Globally, another $4.9 billion was invested in space companies in Q3 alone. This not only marks the most productive quarter on record, but it also raises total 2020 investment to $17.5 billion in the overall industry. And the United States accounts for 62 percent of the industry’s cumulative investment. Morgan Stanley projects that the revenue generated by the global space industry may top $1 trillion by 2040.
The recent explosion in the industry here in the United States is owed in no small part to the efforts of the Trump Administration. The Administration’s pro-space agenda and the work of the National Space Council has already had significant impacts. NOAA has been able to remove red tape that previously surrounded remote sensing technology by shortening licensing timelines from 74 days to 28 days. This enables companies to sell data from satellites more easily and efficiently, helping commercial satellite operators stay competitive in a rapidly changing global marketplace.
The Commerce Department has also taken steps over the last year, at the behest of the Vice President, to identify new space missions and get them the necessary authorization to proceed. The goal here is to alleviate the administrative and regulatory burden on emerging companies and technologies, and we enthusiastically continue on in that mission.
Financial indicators and regulatory procedures aside, one simple way to observe the growth of [the U.S.] space industry is to look at the sheer number of satellites in orbit. This year alone, the number of active satellites in orbit is set to increase by more than 50 percent. The Satellite Industry Association estimates that up to 110,000 new satellites could be in orbit by 2030.
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Fortunately, there is no shortage of brilliant men and women who have made remarkable headway toward managing this problem. In 2018, the Trump Administration’s Space Policy Directive-3 provided a unique approach to the management of space traffic. The Commerce Department’s Office of Space Commerce and our interagency partners took on the mission laid forth by this initiative. I’m proud to report that we’re in the midst of finalizing a DOC-DOD MOU that will provide a detailed plan for the improvement of space situational awareness, and ultimately, space traffic management.
We have also drawn on existing NOAA resources to establish a new open architecture data repository. This system allows both private and government entities, including those of our allies, to share data, increasing all parties’ situational awareness amidst an increasingly crowded orbital environment. We continue to work with our allies and industry on the norms, standards and best practices that will inform new “rules of the road” in space.
We have also worked with private business and technology leaders from around the nation on this issue. In fact, just before Thanksgiving, the Office of Space Commerce hosted an industry day with over 250 companies participating to discuss our approach to the Open Architecture Data Repository. We will continue to work collaboratively with the public and private sector to tackle this challenge.
It is not the only one we face. China’s lunar landing last week underscores that we are not the only ones invested in the business of space, and that competition for American companies operating in this sector face real competition. Looking ahead, my Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis is set to publish innovative experimental statistics within the next two weeks that will help us further measure and understand the space sector.
The United States remains an incubator for greatness like no other, and I’m confident that we will retain our position as the premier hub for space-based exploration and business.
Photo: SpaceX launched its 21st commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station at 11:17 a.m. EST Dec. 6, 2020, from Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credits: NASA Television
China’s Growing Espionage Threat

In the aftermath of the revelations about Chinese espionage in the cases of Rep. Eric Swalwell and Senator Diane Feinstein, as well the purchase of influence in the Biden family, many are warning of the growing power and threat of Beijing’s agents, covert and open, in the United States.
What are the views of those entrusted with securing America from these acts? The New York Analysis has examined what has been said by key sources:
FBI Director Christopher Wray detailed the [Chinese Communist Party’s] CCP’s “expansive approach” to stealing information and intellectual property.:
Methods include everything from state-sponsored computer hacking to pressuring researchers to steal data and requiring, by law, that Chinese technology firms share data with the CCP.
[China is] doing all it can to exploit our openness while taking advantage of its own closed system,” noted Wray.
He added that the Chinese regime’s theft of U.S. intellectual property has resulted in one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history.
The FBI director’s warning comes as the U.S. and other countries are taking steps to protect intellectual property from the CCP. President Trump in May issued a proclamation aimed at stopping the CCP from misusing U.S. visas to steal research in support of its military.
Wray said the CCP is unable to compete with the United States’ open system on equal terms, and is instead seeking to be the world’s only super power by any means necessary. He said the CCP’s methods of theft and coercion include:
- Hacking companies and governments to access information.
- Paying researchers to steal technology and industrial secrets.
- Censoring journalists and opposing opinions.
- Threatening dissidents and their families in China and abroad.
U.S. law enforcement is working with foreign partners to arrest the responsible people. Wray said federal prosecutors have charged Huawei with racketeering conspiracy, alleging repeated thefts of intellectual property from U.S. companies.
Economic espionage cases linked to China have increased roughly 1,300 percent in the last decade, Wray said. The FBI has more than 1,000 investigations into possible theft of U.S. technology and roughly 1,000 more counter-intelligence investigations related to China, Wray said.
But he also drew a distinction between violations caused by China’s government and the valuable contributions of its people around the world, including to the United States.
“Confronting this threat effectively does not mean we shouldn’t do business with the Chinese,” Wray said. “But it does mean that when China violates our criminal laws and international norms, we’re not going to tolerate it.”
At a speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Wray described his agency’s effort to counter Beijing’s spies:
“Understanding the Chinese counterintelligence threat better will help us respond to it more effectively. China is taking a multi-faceted approach, so we’ve got to have a multi-faceted response. Our folks at the FBI and at DOJ are working their tails off every day to protect our nation’s companies, our universities, our computer networks, and our ideas and innovation. To do that, we’re using a broad set of techniques—from our traditional law enforcement authorities to our intelligence capabilities.
“…I’ll briefly note that we’re having real success, real impact. With the help of our many foreign partners, we’ve arrested targets all over the globe. Our investigations and prosecutions have exposed the tradecraft and techniques the Chinese use, raising awareness of the threat and our industries’ defenses.
“They also show our resolve and our ability to attribute these crimes to those responsible. And we’ve seen how our criminal indictments have rallied other nations to our cause, which is crucial to persuading the Chinese government to change its behavior. We’re also working more closely than ever with partner agencies here in the U.S., and our partners abroad.
“We’ve got a host of tools we can use, from criminal charges and civil injunctions to things like economic sanctions, entity listings, and visa revocations. We’re also working with CFIUS—the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States—in its review of foreign investments in American companies that produce critical technologies or collect sensitive personal data of U.S. citizens.
“But we can’t do it on our own; we need a whole-of-society response, with government and the private sector working together. That’s why we in the intelligence and law enforcement communities are working harder to give companies and universities the information they need to make informed decisions and protect their most valuable assets.
“Through our Office of Private Sector, the FBI has stepped up our national outreach to spread awareness of this threat. For example, we’re holding conferences for members of our Domestic Security Alliance Council, where we share information with Fortune 1000 companies about China’s continued efforts to steal intellectual property. We also have private sector coordinators in each of our 56 field offices, who lead our engagement with local businesses and universities.
“We’re meeting with these partners frequently, providing threat awareness briefings, and helping them connect to the right people in the FBI, on any concern. Our Office of Private Sector also engages with a variety of academic associations on the China threat, including the American Council on Education, the Association of American Universities, and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.
“Last October at FBI Headquarters, we hosted an Academia Summit where more than 100 attendees discussed how the academic community can continue to work with the FBI and other federal agencies to tackle national security threats on our campuses. All of this outreach is geared toward helping our partners take the long view and preventing our openness from being exploited.
“In this country, we value our open, free-market system—including the way it attracts international investment and talent to our country. And we value academic freedom—including international collaboration and the benefits we gain from having talented students from abroad, including China, come here to study. We’re not going to change who we are. But at the same time, we’ve got to be clear-eyed and thoughtful about the threat from China and do everything possible to ensure a level playing field between our two countries. So the FBI is encouraging our business and academic partners to keep the long view in mind when engaging with China.
“We’re asking executives and boards of directors to carefully consider who they choose to do business with and who they make part of their supply chains. A decision to enter into a joint venture or contract with a particular vendor might look good to them in the near term. It might make a lot of money today; it might sound great on the next earnings call. But it might not look so great a few years down the road, when they find themselves bleeding intellectual property or hemorrhaging their most sensitive data.
“We’re also encouraging universities to take steps to protect their students from intimidation or control by foreign governments and to give them ways to report such incidents. We’re urging them to seek transparency and reciprocity in their agreements with foreign institutions. And to do their due diligence on the foreign nationals they allow to work and study on their campuses.
“Finally, we’re asking our private sector and academic partners to reach out to us if they see something that concerns them. We’re going to keep working to build trusted relationships with them, so that they know—with confidence—that we’re here to help.
The U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Committee stresses that “The United States faces a large and growing threat to its national security from Chinese intelligence collection operations. Among the most serious threats are China’s efforts at cyber and human infiltration of U.S. national security organizations. These operations are not a recent phenomenon, but reports of Chinese espionage against the United States have risen significantly over the past 15 years.
“The threat from Chinese intelligence operations also extends overseas. For example, China’s growing technical intelligence collection capabilities are increasing its ability to monitor deployed U.S. military forces. Moreover, by infiltrating and attempting to infiltrate defense entities in U.S. ally and partner countries, China could affect U.S. alliance stability and indirectly extract sensitive U.S. national defense information. Meanwhile, the national security implications of Chinese intelligence collection operations have grown amid U.S.-China competition and Beijing’s expanding military might.”
Illustration: U.S. State Dept.
China’s Atrocities

There is a significant concern that the Biden Administration will abandon former President Trump’s “get tough” policy with China, particularly in areas such as unfair trade, international aggression, and human rights. In the closing days of the former White House, the State Department issued a report outlining Beijing’s atrocities within its borders. We present that report, written by then-Secretary of State Michael Pompeo.
The United States of America has led the world in holding the perpetrators of the most heinous human rights abuses accountable. From the Nuremberg Trials, to the creation of the Genocide Convention in 1948, to the declaration of ISIS’s recent genocide against the Yazidis, Christians, and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, Americans have given voice to those who have been silenced by evil, and stood with the living who cry out for truth, the rule of law, and justice. We do so not because we are compelled to act by any international court, multilateral body, or domestic political concern. We do so because it is right.
For the past four years, [The Trump Administration] has exposed the nature of the Chinese Communist Party and called it what it is: a Marxist-Leninist regime that exerts power over the long-suffering Chinese people through brainwashing and brute force. We have paid particular attention to the CCP’s treatment of the Uyghur people, a Muslim minority group that resides largely in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Western China. While the CCP has always exhibited a profound hostility to all people of faith, we have watched with growing alarm the Party’s increasingly repressive treatment of the Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups.
Our exhaustive documentation of the PRC’s actions in Xinjiang confirms that since at least March 2017, local authorities dramatically escalated their decades-long campaign of repression against Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups, including ethnic Kazakhs and ethnic Kyrgyz. Their morally repugnant, wholesale policies, practices, and abuses are designed systematically to discriminate against and surveil ethnic Uyghurs as a unique demographic and ethnic group, restrict their freedom to travel, emigrate, and attend schools, and deny other basic human rights of assembly, speech, and worship. PRC authorities have conducted forced sterilizations and abortions on Uyghur women, coerced them to marry non-Uyghurs, and separated Uyghur children from their families.
Party apparatchiks have denied international observers unhindered access to Xinjiang and denounced reliable reports about the worsening situation on the ground, instead spinning fanciful tales of happy Uyghurs participating in educational, counter-terror, women’s empowerment, and poverty alleviation projects. Meanwhile, they are delivering far darker messages to their own people, portraying Uyghurs as “malignant tumors,” comparing their faith to a “communicable plague,” and exhorting the Party faithful to implement a crushing blow, telling them “you can’t uproot all the weeds hidden among the crops in the field one-by-one; you need to spray chemicals to kill them all.”
Since the Allied forces exposed the horrors of Nazi concentration camps, the refrain “Never again” has become the civilized world’s rallying cry against these horrors. Just because an atrocity is perpetrated in a manner that is different than what we have observed in the past, does not make it any less an atrocity. Today, I thus make the following determinations:
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- In addition, after careful examination of the available facts, I have determined that the PRC, under the direction and control of the CCP, has committed genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang. I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state. The governing authorities of the second most economically, militarily, and politically powerful country on earth have made clear that they are engaged in the forced assimilation and eventual erasure of a vulnerable ethnic and religious minority group, even as they simultaneously assert their country as a global leader and attempt to remold the international system in their image.
The United States calls upon the PRC immediately to release all arbitrarily detained persons and abolish its system of internment, detention camps, house arrest and forced labor; cease coercive population control measures, including forced sterilizations, forced abortion, forced birth control, and the removal of children from their families; end all torture and abuse in places of detention; end the persecution of Uyghurs and other members of religious and ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang and elsewhere in China, and afford Uyghurs and other persecuted minorities the freedom to travel and emigrate.
We further call on all appropriate multilateral and relevant juridical bodies, to join the United States in our effort to promote accountability for those responsible for these atrocities. I have directed the U.S. Department of State to continue to investigate and collect relevant information regarding the ongoing atrocities occurring in Xinjiang, and to make this evidence available to appropriate authorities and the international community to the extent allowable by law. The United States, on its part, has spoken out and taken action, implementing a range of sanctions against senior CCP leaders and state-run enterprises that fund the architecture of repression across Xinjiang.
The United States has worked exhaustively to pull into the light what the Communist Party and General Secretary Xi Jinping wish to keep hidden through obfuscation, propaganda, and coercion. Beijing’s atrocities in Xinjiang represent an extreme affront to the Uyghurs, the people of China, and civilized people everywhere. We will not remain silent. If the Chinese Communist Party is allowed to commit genocide and crimes against humanity against its own people, imagine what it will be emboldened to do to the free world, in the not-so-distant future.
Illustration: Pixabay
Foreign Policy Update

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government provides this summary of the U.S. Position on the Coup in Burma, taken from a State Department briefing.
The U.S. State Department has expressed grave concern regarding the Burmese military’s detention of civilian government leaders, including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint, and civil society leaders.
After a careful review of the facts and circumstances, The U.S. has assessed that Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Burma’s ruling party, and Win Myint, the duly elected head of government, were deposed in a military coup on February 1st. The State Department continues to call on the Burmese military leadership to release them and all other detained civil society and political leaders immediately and unconditionally.
The U.S. has denounced in the strongest possible terms Burma’s military leaders for seeking to reject the will of the people of Burma as expressed in democratic elections on November 8th, and for taking control of the Government of Burma. America continues to stand with the people of Burma, as we have done for decades, in their efforts to achieve democracy, freedom, peace, and development.
This assessment triggers certain restrictions in foreign assistance to the Government of Burma, as it should, and in addition, The U.S. will undertake a broader review of our assistance programs to ensure they align with recent events. At the same time, America will continue programs that benefit the people of Burma directly, including humanitarian assistance and democracy support programs that benefit civil society.
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The return to civilian rule in 2015 enabled Burma to re-engage with countries and businesses across the globe and move beyond relying on others in the region that do not respect human rights and democratic institutions.
The military’s actions over the last week, and frankly prior to that, have put that progress at grave risk. A very small circle of Burma’s military leaders have chosen their own interests over the will and well-being of the people.
The U.S. rejects any attempt by the military to alter the outcome of the November 2020 election in Burma. America will take action against those responsible, including through a careful review of our current sanctions posture as it relates to Burma’s military leaders and companies associated with them. Most importantly, America will continue to stand with the people of Burma.
Illustration: Pixabay