Quick Analysis

Attempts to have Illegals Vote Expand

The Democrat Party’s effort to gain an unlawful advantage at the polls by encouraging illegal aliens to vote is intensifying.

Two of the most salient examples come from Texas and California, both major states considered crucial to Democrat’s hopes of reclaiming control over Congress.

On October 18, The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) alerted local, state, and federal law enforcement to campaign mailers directed at noncitizens in south Texas which encouraged voter registration via altered forms indicating they were U.S. citizens.

In a letter addressed to the Hidalgo County Criminal District Attorney, Logan Churchwell, representing PILF, wrote:

“We write today to alert your office to evidence of campaign mail directed to residents throughout the Rio Grande Valley urging them to register to vote with applications which were apparently altered by the sender…

“On October 3, 2018, the Foundation came into contact with registered voter… regarding campaign mail received by his relatives whom are legal permanent residents residing in the county. The mail, apparently sent by “the Texas Democratic Party,” with a return address listed under the “State Democratic Executive Committee” contained language to include: “Your voter registration application is inside. Complete, sign and return it today!” “Mail IMMEDIATELY to be registered to vote in the November 2018 Election!”

“The enclosed voter application form was apparently altered, given that the answers for “Are you a United States Citizen?” and “Will you be 18 years of age on or before election day?” were preprinted “Yes” for each. The approved federal and state voter registration forms do not have prepopulated answers because the voter must answer the important citizenship question on their own…

“The Foundation…[is] primarily concerned that other unsuspecting resident noncitizens have received similar mailings with pre-selected attestations of U.S. citizenship and may have submitted applications per the ‘urgent’ instructions in time for the 2018 General Election. These actions, regardless of whether a ballot is cast, can invite criminal charges under state and federal law in addition to immigration proceedings thereafter. Most of all, when Congress passed the NVRA,[National Voter Registration Act] it envisioned a registrant making two separate affirmations of citizenship – both the checkbox as well as the signature attestation. This enables prosecutors to easier establish intent and state of mind when noncitizens illegally register to vote.”

A Washington Times article noted that “The Texas secretary of state’s office said it, too, had gotten complaints both from immigrants and from relatives of dead people who said they got mailings asking them to register.”
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In 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the New Motor Voter Act, which automatically registers people to vote through the DMV.

There are increased indications that there not sufficient safeguards to prevent illegal aliens, who have been granted the right to gain state drivers licenses, from registering to vote.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)

“…after repeated denials, the California Department of Motor Vehicles has admitted that, yes, it did in fact screw up by assisting at least 1,500 ineligible driver’s license recipients to register to vote, including aliens.

The The Daily Caller reports:

“The spate of improper registrations was the second major statewide error at the California DMV in the last two months. The agency admitted in early September that it had mishandled about 23,000 voter registrations by assigning them to the wrong political party or mislabeling vote-by-mail preferences. An audit of California’s DMV voter registration program — commonly known as ‘motor voter’ — is likely to turn up more instances of mistaken registration, according to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a nonprofit that investigates election integrity issues.”

Denial of voter fraud has been a mantra of the left for some time, even as reports of clear and evident voting and voting registration fraud have become available.  Columnist Pamela Gellar has noted that “Voter fraud is rampant. Were the full extent of it known, I am sure it would shock the world.”

The Report Concludes Tomorrow

Photo: PILF 

Quick Analysis

Politicians Advocating Violence

America’s politics, and its civil unity, are reaching a significant turning point beyond which rests the frightening prospect of violence.

It has become customary to describe the frequent disorders on city streets, government offices, and college campuses as the work of extremist organizations such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and related organizations.  But the reality is that these tactics have been, although not directly organized, then certainly encouraged or condoned by many established Democrat party leaders.

There is a very specific reason for that. The policies of the left had an eight-year trial run under the Obama Administration, and they failed miserably.  Absent factual reasons to encourage voters to support progressive candidates, the slanderous tactic of portraying centrist and conservative candidates as being terrible people who should be deprived of their right to free speech or to hold or run for office is substituted. Unfounded allegations of racism and sexism have been produced, without fear that a largely partisan press would expose the charges as baseless.

The alliance of some key Democrat leaders with violent extremists is not new.  Not much coverage was provided by the media about Obama’s closeness with figures who embraced violent tactics.  Joel Pollak, writing in Breitbart described Obama’s alliance with Bill Ayers, which continued even after Obama had been elected to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate. Ayers was a leader of the “Weatherman” organization, which issued a “Declaration of War” against the United States, a document authored by Bernardine Dorn, who became Ayers wife.

The Weather Underground has described  William_Ayers  as “responsible for roughly 72 bombings in all, including the United States Capitol (March 1, 1971), The Pentagon (May 19, 1972), the United States Department of State (January 28, 1975)[4] and numerous other targets. In 1969, the Weather Underground planted a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot. The statue was blown into pieces, but was rebuilt in 1970. It was blown up again by the Weather Underground, five months later…In 1970, Ayers explained what the Weather Underground was all about: ‘Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.’”

Other Democrat leaders continue the association with political violence.  Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Ca.) recently called for the harassment of White House officials, stating: ““If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

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Tim Haines, writing in Real Clear Politics, noted that Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Hillary Clinton’s vice-presidential running mate said Democrats must fight back in “Congress, the courts, and in the streets.”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, following an attack on a Manhattan GOP headquarters and clashes between right and left wing groups, blamed the violence on “President Donald Trump and New York Republican Party.”

Karol Markowicz in a New York Post article,  believes that universities contribute to the permissive, even encouraging attitude towards violence with their “safe spaces” “ concepts. She explains: “In covering the early days of ‘safe spaces, ‘Conor Friedersdorf wrote for The Atlantic about student protesters who didn’t want a reporter filming them: ‘At various points, they intimidate him. Ultimately, they physically push him. But all the while, they are operating on the premise, or carrying on the pretense, that he is making them unsafe. It is as if they’ve weaponized the concept of ‘safe spaces.’ ”

Must of the most recent harshness of our political relations can be traced back to Hillary Clinton herself.  During a primary debate, she was asked whom she considered “the enemy.”  She could have named terrorism, poverty, Russia, China, or any number of problems.  She chose instead to simply say, “Republicans.”  She recently added, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

Photo: Portland, Oregon (City of Portland website)

Quick Analysis

Unanswered, Unasked Questions about the “Caravan”

For the second time in 2018, an army sized group of central Americans have formed under murky circumstances in an attempt to unlawfully and with the force of great numbers (some estimates have gone as high as 14,000) overwhelm border guards and essentially invade the United States.

The media continues to mislead the American public about the nature of those comprising this unofficial army-sized movement.  It is not comprised of refugees from political oppression. They are, by many of their own admissions, seeking economic opportunities that they lack at home.  And they are not predominately the women, children, and families as much of the press seeks to portray. Images indicate the presence of a significant portion of military age young men, some of whom are credibly thought to be not from Central America at all, but from the Middle East.

While the American media has portrayed a largely sympathetic description of families seeking economic opportunity, one Canadian source described Caravan participants as being “Thousands of military-aged, virile mostly Honduran males.”

Questions continue to be raised about the origins of the Caravan.  Laura Ingraham of Fox News asks,  “Who is funding these efforts? How has it grown so quickly…The spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security confirmed that the caravan includes ‘citizens of countries outside of Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and elsewhere.’ Vice President Mike Pence said something else that is getting scant attention, but ought to send a chill down your spine. ‘What the president of Honduras told me was organized by leftist groups in Honduras, financed by Venezuela and sent north to challenge our sovereignty and challenge our border,’ Pence said.”

While the bulk of the Caravan is from Honduras, terrorist infiltration of Latin America should be noted.  Writing for the Center for Immigration Studies, Todd Bensman reported: “The newspaper Prensa Libre quoted [Guatemalan] President Morales saying, during his turn at the lectern of a major regional security conference, that his administration had captured ‘close to 100 people completely linked to terrorist issues, with ISIS.’”

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President Trump describes the Caravan as “criminals and unknown Middle Easterners mixed in.’ He has threatened to cut foreign aid to countries that failed to stop it.”

Democrats have been decidedly unimpressed about the dangers inherent in large numbers of unscreened young men forcefully crashing through the U.S. southern border. In fact, some seem to believe its an advantage, considering that in states such as California steps have been taken that weaken safeguards against illegal aliens voting. Stacey Abrams, the Democrat candidate for governor of Georgia,  said “The thing of it is, is that blue waves aren’t blue. . . . The blue wave is… comprised of those who are documented and undocumented.

Vice President Pence had described the prior attempt at mass crossings of the U.S. border as “a deliberate attempt to undermine the laws of this country and the sovereignty of the United States…The truth is our immigration laws today are ineffective, and they invite inhumane results.  As the President said … we call on the Congress to close deadly immigration loopholes that are exploited by terrorists, traffickers, and criminals….“Whether it be the catch-and-release program or asylum policies that don’t require people to stay in the first safe country in which they arrive, we’re calling on Congress to work with us to bring about change.  And it’s change that recognizes the hardship that is placed not just on the American people, but by those who by virtue of these lax immigration laws are emboldened to make a long and dangerous journey to come to the American border.  The truth is these laws create an incentive for vulnerable families, and those who would exploit them, to make that long journey up the peninsula…”

Photo: October 25, 2018 EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents and various law enforcement agencies disrupted two active stash houses. Agents and HCCO identified 24 illegal aliens from the countries of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Bolivia. Later that day, Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Agents working in conjunction with the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force and the Texas Department of Public Safety conducted a welfare check on a residence in Rio Grande City. Upon entry, agents identified and arrested four illegal aliens from Guatemala. (U.S. Customs and Border Patrol.) 

Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update


The North Koreans continue to  violate international norms of behavior and United Nations prohibited maritime shipping and other illicit transactions. The US State Department, together with Canada, France, Japan and the UK welcomed the announcement of the 1718 Committee on UN designations of vessels Shang Yuan Bao, New Regent, and Kum Un San 3 for engaging in UN-prohibited ship-to-ship transfers of refined petroleum to North Korean ships.

The State Department Spokesperson said that the United States will continue “monitoring and surveillance activities to detect UN-prohibited illicit North Korean maritime activities, with a particular focus on detecting and disrupting ship-to-ship transfers of refined petroleum to North Korean tankers in the East China Sea.”


Discussing Beijing’s behavior during a Friday teleconference Secretary of State Pompeo stated that “a risk through [China’s] stealing of intellectual property or trade rules that are unfair or activity in the South China Sea or their continued expansion in space and their efforts to develop their military, each of those actions has been met with a strong and vigorous response from the United States of America and we’ll continue to do so. There wasn’t a moment, but rather an administration that has recognized the difference in China’s behavior and the requirement for an American response to that changed behavior.”

Secretary Pompeo added that the United States reminds “countries we welcome commercial competition with China on a fair and reciprocal basis, but when China shows up with bribes to senior leaders in countries in exchange for infrastructure projects that will harm the people of that nation, then this idea of a treasury-run empire build is something that I think would be bad for each of those countries and certainly presents risk to American interests, and we intend to oppose them at every turn.”

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Yemen has fired a large number of sophisticated missiles into Saudi Arabia and the UAE in recent weeks. In response to a reporter’s inquiry the Secretary said that the “ number of ballistic missiles that have left Yemen headed for Saudi Arabia and the Emirates is dozens of times higher than the 36 that you identified.” He went on to explain that “those missiles are coming from and the hardware and software that supports them are coming from the Islamic Republic of Iran. We see it in the hardware, we can tell by the telemetry, and we know by the fact that we have had interdictions at sea which make very clear the source of this. So what you have is a proxy war being engaged in by Iran against Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. It’s something that we’ve made clear what we are going to do our level best to prevent, and we are supporting the Emirates and Saudi Arabia in their efforts to take down these missiles.”

Virtually every agency and United Nation organizations recognize that Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. The United States’ position is that once Iran stops exporting terrorism and conducting proxy wars Washington will welcome the country back into the league of nations. Until that time the US will impose further sanctions on Iran beginning November 4 if Washington’s 12 requirements are not met. These include the unmet requirement that the Iranian regime must declare a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear program, and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity.


 Secretary Pompeo, in referring to the Columbian government and new political leadership in Brazil said that he thinks that “the alignment of the new leaders in South America and Central America are determined to see these nations [Venezuela and Nicaragua] that are amongst their neighbors behaving in ways that are antithetical to the well-being of their own people give us the opportunity to change the course and direction of those two countries.”

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media, which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Saturday, she presents key updates on U.S. foreign policy from the State Department.

Illustration: Pixabay

Quick Analysis

Political Prosecutors vs. The Public

If there is one area that should remain above debate in this contentious era, it is that the law should be administered intelligently, fairly, and impartially.

Increasingly, that is not the case. Far too often, key figures in the justice system are using their powerful positions for personal or ideological goals.  Consider former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who openly considered criminally prosecuting anyone who merely disagreed with Obama on climate change. Consider, too, the inexplicably large sums donated by progressive billionaires such as George Soros to state attorney general and local district attorney races, in the hopes of electing candidates who would push a left-wing agenda.  Or, indeed, the entire Mueller investigation, now two years old, which began inappropriately and dishonestly based on a partisan document and, despite not uncovering a shred of relevant evidence in two years, continues to linger on for purely political purposes.

But it’s not necessary to examine mega-issues to observe politically-motivated misuse of the law. Objective researchers have extensively outlined the rise of “political prosecutors” who use their office, and the law, as stepping stones for their grander ambitions.

The Prison Policy publication discusses disturbing research uncovered by  Fordham University’s Jed Shugerman, who outlines how “the prosecutor’s office has become a “…stepping stone to higher office… with dramatic consequences in American criminal law…” Shugerman found that  of those in office at any point between 2007 and 2017, 38% of state attorneys general, 19% of governors, and 10% of U.S. senators had prosecutorial backgrounds.

The role of politics in prosecutorial decisions has also been noted by the site, which reports that “Most prosecutors are elected officials, and many of them view their position as a stepping stone to higher office. Public opinion and important support groups often affect their decisions on charges. For example, a prosecutor may file charges on every shoplifting case, no matter how weak, to curry favor with local store owners who want to get the word out that shoplifters will be prosecuted.”

Some political prosecutions have made dramatic headlines. During the late 1980’s, in what was widely seen as a political prosecution aimed at the Reagan Administration (although the charge itself had nothing to do with the Administration) Secretary of Labor Ray Donovan was prosecuted by the ambitious Bronx Democrat, District Attorney Mario Merola.  The case was so flimsy that it took a jury less than ten hours over two days to find Donovan not guilty.  In what has become a famous quote, Donovan, after the trial, asked “What office do I go to to get my reputation back?”

An Economist study noted that that “Lawsuits are likely to be a critical form of resistance for Democrats in the Trump era…17 Democratic attorneys-general signed a letter vowing to ‘use all of the tools of our offices to fight … “
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New York’s former Attorney General, leftist Elliot Spitzer, used his office to attack the business community, engaging in prosecutions based on the flimsiest excuses. He rode the publicity wave to become the state’s governor, and later resigned in the wake of news stories that he allegedly choked a prostitute he had hired.

But the warping of the justice system for the personal political or ideological ambitions of prosecutors affects ordinary Americans far more frequently that major public figures.

In one example from North Dakota, Julie Lawyer, a politically ambitious prosecutor now running for state’s attorney is prosecuting a 16-year-old child involved in LARPING (Live Action Role Playing) based on crime movies and TV shows. The child is being charged as an adult. As utterly repugnant as real organized crime is, prosecuting a kid playing a game accomplishes little except campaign publicity.

One of the most common instances of overzealous prosecution involves actions taken against legal gun owners, who may have crossed a state line into a jurisdiction with different licensing requirements.

In a Huffington Post article, Radley Balko notes: “Prosecutors have enormous power. Even investigations that don’t result in any charges can ruin lives, ruin reputations, and drive their targets into bankruptcy. It has become an overtly political position — in general, but particularly at the federal level. If a prosecutor wants to ruin your life, he or she can. Even if you’ve done nothing wrong, there isn’t a whole lot you can do about it.”

In 2013, Balko noted that “there are at least 4,000 separate criminal laws at the federal level, with another 10,000 to 300,000 regulations that can be enforced criminally. Just this year 400 new federal laws took effect, as did 29,000 new state laws. The civil libertarian and defense attorney Harvey Silverglate has argued that most Americans now unknowingly commit about three felonies per day…At the state level, prosecutors are reelected, move on to higher office, or win prestigious jobs at high-powered law firms for racking up large numbers of convictions — and for getting high-profile convictions. They’re rarely publicly praised or rewarded for declining to prosecute someone in the interest of justice. I’m sure it happens. But it isn’t the sort of thing even a well-intentioned prosecutor is going to boast about in a press release.”

Quick Analysis

Banning the Truth

The weird concept of banning any discussion that could potentially offend anyone, which originated on college campuses and has now spread across the internet and other media is neither harmless nor random.

It is not a coincidence that the proponents of the silencing concept are advocates of philosophies and politics that have a long history of failure and oppression, and which serve to disunite the American nation. Revealing those facts, along with the tainted motives of those endorsing limiting First Amendment rights is certainly inconvenient for the progressives and leftists that seek so diligently to avoid exposure.

The most self-evident of the various issues which some seek to ban honest analysis of is immigration.  Serious review of the merits of essentially open borders (and, yes, that is what the left desires) is cut off by unfounded claims that those arguing for rational policies are racists, anti-immigrant, and therefore their ideas should be ostracized from the public square.

Not having substantive border controls clearly leads to danger on multiple fronts, including the introduction of contagious diseases, admission of criminal gangs such as MS-13, penetration by terrorists masquerading as economic refugees, and extraordinary expense to federal, state and local governments. Legal residents with limited means endure serious competition for housing, jobs, and fair pay.

Why do open borders have so many advocates, when those threats exist? Take a quick look at those who want open borders, and why.

Politically, Democrats profit. New entrants to the nation, by a very large majority, vote for their party because in general they campaign on promising more public assistance of various forms for new arrivals. Progressives not only  look the other way when new arrivals vote illegally, but facilitate the commission of it, as California has done with the provision of drivers licenses to illegals and as various local legislatures do by providing voting rights to them in local elections.

Silicon valley tycoons (and related internet giants) and Wall Street plutocrats love extensive immigration, legal and illegal.  They profit tremendously by the far lower salaries they can pay newcomers.
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But  factual discussion of these realities get drowned out by charges of being racist or anti-immigrant. One internet behemoth decided to ban any use of the legally accurate term of “illegal immigrant.”

Turn to another failed concept, in which attempts to disclose facts are silenced far too frequently. Socialism, in every incarnation, has failed miserably whenever and wherever it has been tried, for a century. But America’s leftist-dominated educational system continues to warp facts about the reality that socialism has failed universally, and invariably results in enlarging poverty and knocking down individual liberties. The Progressive establishment on college campuses would be rebelled against by students if the history of this totalitarian concept was laid bare.

An ancient wrongdoing that proponents frequently seek to avoid honest analysis of, and which continues to be perpetuated, is one that has a long and horrible pedigree. Anti-Semitism has been a staple of history. It has taken many forms, from the religious discrimination of prior centuries to ethnic persecution which reached its worst expression in the National Socialist government of Adolf Hitler. By the way, the fact that “Nazi” is shorthand for the Third Reich’s National Socialist regime is one which  advocates of socialism scrupulously ignore.

The modern form of anti-Semitism wears the camouflage of miscasting Israeli actions as being oppressive.  The tiny nation awash in a sea of enemies has been the target of attempted extermination by hostile regional neighbors since its founding.  It has endured both major military assaults as well as constant terrorist threats, including rocketry  attacks from Palestinian territory and elsewhere. Palestinians could have had a deal providing them with almost all of their desires, but their leaders turned it down in an attempt to preserve their ability to rob their own people. The Obama Administration sought to alienate the U.S. from its Israeli ally, a symptom of the anti-Semitism of the left that the media turns its attention away from.

The list could go on and on, but the strategy is already clear: defend failed, self-serving and oppressive policies by cutting off the debate that exposes its true nature. When countervailing ideas cannot be contained, engage in personal attacks against those exposing the key truths.

Photo: A scene from Harvard University (AANM photo)

Quick Analysis

The Under-reported Democrat Party’s Anti-Catholicism

It is not merely coincidental that California Senator Diane Feinstein was the center of the Kavanaugh controversy. In September of 2017, she vehemently opposed the nomination of Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, for a very inappropriate reason. In a stunning round of questioning, Senator Dick Durbin asked the nominee “Do you consider yourself an Orthodox Catholic,” a query which was followed by the even more offensive comment by Senator Feinstein that “The [Catholic] dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”

George Parry, writing for the American Spectator “Questioning of judicial nominee’s Catholicism by Feinstein and Durbin would make the Klan proud. Article VI of the Constitution prohibits a religious test for public office. Nevertheless, last week in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin and Diane Feinstein grilled a judicial nominee about the depth of her Catholic faith and made clear that, in their estimation, she was ‘too Catholic’ to hold office.”

Noah Feldman wrote in Bloomberg last month  that “Feinstein’s anti-Catholic Questions are an outrage. Senator Dianne Feinstein owes a public apology to judicial nominee Amy Coney Barrett — and an explanation to all Americans who condemn religious bias. During Barrett’s confirmation hearings last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Feinstein, the California Democrat, insinuated an anti-Catholic stereotype that goes back at least 150 years in the U.S. — that Catholics are unable to separate church and state because they place their religious allegiances before their oath to the Constitution.”

The media, concentrating solely on the uncorroborated allegations made by Ms. Ford, ignored the extremely controversial issue that Kavanaugh was targeted for his faith.

James S. Robbins, writing in USA Today, reported “We’ve seen anti-Catholic bigotry hurled at Supreme Court justices before from groups like the KKK. Now it’s coming from the modern left…These days liberals have taken to portraying people in public life who exhibit almost any kind of faith orientation as dangerous extremists. In a discussion of the high court, CNN contributor Dean Obeidallah maintained that “there are people who want to impose Christian Sharia law in this country.” It was an ironic comment since progressives would be thrilled to support a Muslim court nominee whose jurisprudence was informed by actual Sharia. And the Daily Beast tells us that President Trump is ‘carrying out the agenda of a small, secretive network of extremely conservative Catholic activists.’”

The issue of the Democrat Left’s anti-Catholicism has been noted by Church leaders. In March, New York’s Cardinal Dolan  wrote in the Wall Street Journal  “The Democrats Abandon Catholics I’m a pastor, not a politician, and I’ve certainly had spats and disappointments with politicians from both of America’s leading parties. But it saddens me, and weakens the democracy millions of Americans cherish, when the party that once embraced Catholics now slams the door on us.”

The issue of left-wing, Progressive and Democrat anti-Catholicism has been growing for several decades. George Weigal, writing in Commentary in 1992, gave several examples.  Among them:
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In 1992, “… the editors of the [New York] Times thought it appropriate to warn the Catholic bishops of the United States that a too-vigorous exercise of their teaching office might destroy the ‘truce of tolerance’ that has permitted Catholics to operate in this country at the sufferance of its non-Catholic majority…

“In February 1990, agitated by statements by Cardinal O’Connor and New York auxiliary bishop Austin Vaughan critical of Governor Mario Cuomo’s record on abortion, the well-known historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. informed readers of the Times‘s op-ed page that O’Connor and Vaughan were doing their best to verify the fears long cherished by the No-Nothings [sic] in the 1850’s, the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920’s, and a succession of anti-Catholic demagogues that the Roman Catholic Church would try to overrule the American democratic process.

“During a debate over school-choice legislation in Pennsylvania, ‘Jack Grier, the teachers’ union president in Easton, Pennsylvania, told the local school board that ‘The enemy to public education in the state of Pennsylvania is the Catholic Church. If the Catholic Church were to cease to exist and disappear today, it would be better for all of us.’”

Emma Green reported in The Atlantic  that Michael Wear, the former director of Barack Obama’s 2012 faith-outreach efforts, found that “The administration was unnecessarily antagonistic toward religious conservatives…”

The anti-Catholic bent of the Democrat Left is not restricted to that one faith.  The rejection of Evangelicals, and the acceptance of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic beliefs on the part of that party has become a major issue, even if the media refuses to acknowledge it.

Illustration: St. Patrick’s Cathedral  (Archdiocese of New York)

Quick Analysis

NASA’s Future

NASA has submitted to Congress a plan to revitalize and add direction to America’s manned space program, after years of neglect under the Obama Administration.

The plan notes that “The call from the President and Congress for a National Space Exploration Campaign emerges at a critical point in America’s space program and its relationship to strategic issues facing the nation in space. Challenges and opportunities exist that must be addressed over the next several years. Close to Earth today, American leadership and commercial innovation, centered in part on the U.S.-led International Space Station, is starting to unleash a new economic arena. However, action is necessary to drive new commercial enterprises and provide a regulatory and security environment that enables and protects this emerging economy. Deeper into space, NASA’s shift to focus on the creation of a sustainable presence on and around the Moon with international and commercial partners comes as more countries begin to establish a presence in this region with robotic missions.”

According to the agency, “The National Space Exploration Campaign calls for human and robotic exploration missions to expand the frontiers of human experience and scientific discovery of the natural phenomena of Earth, other worlds and the cosmos.”

The Exploration Campaign has several strategic goals:

NASA will transition U.S. human spaceflight activities in low-Earth orbit to commercial operations that support NASA and the needs of an emerging private sector market. NASA intends to transition from the current model of human space activities in low-Earth orbit to a model where the government is only one customer for commercial services.  NASA will shape the plan for the transition of low-Earth orbit activities from direct government funding to commercial services and partnerships, with new, independent commercial platforms or a non-NASA operating model for some form or elements of the International Space Station by 2025. In addition, NASA will expand public-private partnerships to develop and demonstrate technologies and capabilities to enable new commercial space products and services.

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NASA will demonstrate the capabilities required for human missions to Mars and other destinations. NASA will Foster scientific discovery and characterization of lunar resources through a series of robotic missions. the Exploration Campaign focuses on a transformative approach that includes the development of technologies and systems that enable a series of human and robotic lunar missions that are extensible to Mars. Key components of the Exploration Campaign already are underway and include long-duration human spaceflight on the space station, development of advanced life support systems, and continuing to lead and advance the world in deep space science missions.

NASA’s InSight mission now is on its way to Mars and will land in November to study the interior of the Red Planet. Development of NASA’s next rover to Mars continues to make excellent progress and is scheduled to launch in July 2020.

The Mars 2020 rover will aid in the search for past life and demonstrate the production of fuel and other resources that enable human exploration. The mission will also be used as a building block for a subsequent roundtrip robotic mission with the historic first rocket launch off another planet and a sample return. According to NASA, “That mission will serve as a critical precursor to an eventual series of crewed missions to Mars planned to start in the 2030’s and culminating in a surface landing, which will be supported by the work we’ll do on the Moon in the coming years.”

Illustration: NASA

Quick Analysis

America’s Endangered Defense Industrial Base, Part 3

The New York Analysis of Policy and Government concludes its review of America’s endangered defense industrial base, and a major Department of Defense Report reviewing the crisis.

It’s not just manufacturing interests and the Department of Defense that worries about these trends.  In 2010, a Cornell University study reported:  If the civilian manufacturing base that is critical to maintaining the national innovation system deteriorates, and America’s innovative capacity moves overseas to be closer to production and the necessary support base, the underlying technological capability for the nation’s defense industrial base also will deteriorate. And as the United States loses its technological edge through movements of R&D offshore, underinvestment in R&D by U.S. private industry, and lack of attention to this critical loss by the U.S. government—with the shedding of millions of skilled workers as a result—the know-how needed for maintaining and advancing U.S. technology leadership vital for national security, and embodied in those displaced workers, is being lost as well.

The DoD report outlines a number of steps currently underway to address this crisis:

  • Increased near-term DoD budget stability with the passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, providing stable funding through Fiscal Year (FY) 2019
  • Modernization of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. and investigations under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 into Chinese intellectual property theft, to better combat Chinese industrial policies targeting American intellectual property
  • Updates to the Conventional Arms Transfer policy and unmanned aerial systems export policy to increase U.S. industrial base competitiveness and strengthen international alliances · Reorganization of the former Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the work of the “Section 809 panel,” and development of the adaptive acquisition framework all aim to streamline and improve defense acquisition processes
  • Restructuring the Defense Acquisition University to create a workforce education and training resource to foster increased agility in acquisition personnel
  • Response to Section 1071(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2018 which requires establishing a process for enhancing the ability to analyze, assess, and monitor vulnerabilities of the industrial base
  • Creation of a National Advanced Manufacturing Strategy by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, focused on opportunities in advanced manufacturing
  • Department of Labor’s chairing of a Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion to identify strategies and proposals to promote apprenticeships, particularly in industries where they are insufficient
  • DoD’s program for Microelectronics Innovation for National Security and Economic Competitiveness to increase domestic capabilities and enhance technology adoption
  • DoD cross-functional team for maintaining technology advantage
  • Implementation of a risk-based methodology for oversight of contractors in the National Industrial Security Program, founded on risk management framework principles to assess and counter threats to critical technologies and priority assets.

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The study makes a number of Recommendations for the future:

  • Create an industrial policy in support of national security efforts, as outlined in the National Defense Strategy, to inform current and future acquisition practices Expanding direct investment in the lower tier of the industrial base through DoD’s Defense Production Act Title III, Manufacturing Technology, and Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment programs to address critical bottlenecks, support fragile suppliers, and mitigate single points-of-failure
  • Diversifying away from complete dependency on sources of supply in politically unstable countries who may cut off U.S. access; diversification strategies may include reengineering, expanded use of the National Defense Stockpile program, or qualification of new suppliers
  • Working with allies and partners on joint industrial base challenges through the National Technology Industrial Base and similar structures
  • Modernizing the organic industrial base to ensure its readiness to sustain fleets and meet contingency surge requirements · Accelerating workforce development efforts to grow domestic science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and critical trade skills
  • Reducing the personnel security clearance backlog through more efficient processes
  • Further enhancing efforts to explore next generation technology for future threats A challenge this large demands a multifaceted approach. Therefore, the classified Action Plan also includes direction for DoD to conduct a comprehensive study on the industrial base requirements needed to support force modernization efforts, specifically focused on the technologies necessary to win the future fight.

Photo: Main entrance to Joint Systems Manufacturing Center. An M1A1 Abrams sits on a display platform to the left of the entrance gates. (Wikipedia photo)


Quick Analysis

Foreign Policy Update


Secretary Pompeo met with Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela and Vice President and Foreign Minister Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado in Panama City October 18 to discuss the U.S.-Panama partnership on bilateral and regional security and economic issues.  

In response to traveling press inquiries about Chinese economic activity in Panama, the Secretary said: “…the importance isn’t that China is out competing in the world. We welcome that. It’s when the state-owned enterprises show up in a way that is clearly not transparent, clearly not market-driven, and is designed not to benefit the people of Panama but rather to benefit the Chinese Government. Those are the kind of things we think are both inappropriate and not good for the people of Panama or any other country where China is engaged in this kind of predatory economic activity.”

In an interview with Sabrina Bacal of TVN about Panama, the Secretary stated: “…it’s simply the case that in parts of the world China has invested in ways that have left countries worse off, and that should never be the case. Anytime there is investment that comes from outside of a country, it certainly should be a good investment for the investor, but it has to be something that’s good for the country that hosts that investment and well – as well. And we just want to make sure that when China invests, wherever it chooses, that it does so in a way that benefits the people of the country in which that investment is made.”




After eight years of the Obama Administration the U.S. is once again holding other nations accountable for their behavior. The questions, at first, were “Can Washington be believed? And, will the new Trump Administration follow through on its statements?” In 2017 the Trump Administration’s foreign policy experts at the State Department were unsure if Washington ever would be taken at its word again. However, recent actions by foreign governments appear to indicate that the United States has been able to move its agenda forward. President Trump is holding firm on important policy decisions across the globe and foreign governments are coming to terms with the new Administration’s resolve. Secretary Pompeo has played an increasingly public and active role in formulating and executing American foreign policy.

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Today European nations are paying more toward their fair share of NATO’s budget. China’s President Xi Jinping is “coming to the table.” He is scheduled to  meet with Secretary Pompeo to discuss US economic sanctions. China is experiencing domestic economic dislocation resulting from Washington’s willingness to make a long-term commitment on its demand for trade reform. Today, Iran is experiencing domestic unrest across the country by its citizenry who are learning the truth about their country’s leadership. The US imposed trade sanctions Iran due to its worldwide support for terrorism and it is having an impact. At the same time, however, Iran continues its belligerent behavior by shipping weapons outside its country fomenting unrest throughout the Middle East. The job of Secretary Pompeo is a tough one. The U.S. faces multiple challenges around the world, many of which are interconnected and complex.




In response to statements made by President Trump concerning a caravan of illegal immigrants heading north into Mexico, the Mexican government issued a statement that they will seek cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to address immigration issues in the region, including the influx of people arriving in Mexico. Two jet planes filled with Mexican border agents was flown to the country’s southern border to address the issue.

President Trump explicitly stated that any nation assisting the caravan traveling to the U.S. border would lose 100% of its foreign aid. Unlike the previous Administration which flew illegal aliens into and around the United States, the Trump Administration has tightened the border and refused to take in and support illegal aliens. Today, the U.S. Government is believed and the Mexican government is taking action.

DARIA NOVAK served in the United States State Department during the Reagan Administration, and currently is on the Board of the American Analysis of News and Media, which publishes and the New York Analysis of Policy and Government.  Each Saturday, she presents key updates on U.S. foreign policy from the State Department.

Illustration: Pixabay