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Month: February 2018
On January 16, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security released a joint report on the threat from foreign born international terrorists within the United States. The document, produced in compliance with President Trump’s Executive Order 13780, found that:
- Approximately three out of every four individuals convicted of international terrorism-related charges between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2016 are foreign-born individuals who entered the United States through our immigration system.
- 402 foreign-born individuals were convicted of terrorism in United States courts.
- 1,716 foreign-born aliens with national security concerns were removed from the United States.
- These totals only show those aliens who were convicted or removed, and therefore, do not represent the total measure of foreign terrorist infiltration of the United States.
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- A significant number of terrorists have entered the United States solely on the basis of family ties and extended-family chain migration.
- Mufid Elfgeeh, who benefitted from chain migration, was sentenced to more than 22 years in prison for attempting to recruit fighters for ISIS.
- Mahmoud Amin Mohamed Elhassan, who entered the United States as a relative of a lawful permanent resident, pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to ISIS.
- Uzair Paracha, who entered the United States as a relative of a lawful permanent resident, was sentenced to more than 30 years in prison for providing material support to al Qaeda.
- Terrorists have also entered the United States through the visa lottery program.
- Abdurasaul Hasanovich Juraboev, who entered the United States through the visa lottery program, pleaded guilty to conspiring to support ISIS.
- Ali Shukri Amin, who entered the United States as the child of a visa lottery recipient, was sentenced to more than 11 years in prison for conspiring to provide material support to ISIS.
- The report by DOJ and DHS does not contain information regarding the number of terrorism and terrorism-related offenses committed by individuals who are the children of foreign-born individuals.
- Terrorist attacks carried out by children of foreign-born individuals include the attack in Orlando by Omar Mateen, which killed 49 people and wounded more than 50 others, and the attack in San Bernadino, California by Syed Rizwan Farook, which killed 14 people and injured 22 others.
- In FY 2017, DHS had 2,554 encounters with individuals on the terrorist watchlist who had attempted to enter and infiltrate the United States.
- There are an average of 23 to 27 honor killings in the United States every year, according to a study commissioned and provided to DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2014.
- The 2014 study also estimated that approximately 1,500 forced marriages occur in the U.S. every year.
- More than 90 percent of the victims of honor killings in North America were murdered for being “too westernized,” according to a representative sample studied through open media sources.
- The Government Accountability Office published a report in 2011 that found criminal aliens incarcerated in state and local prisons were convicted for 69,929 sex offenses between fiscal years 2003 and 2009.
- According to a 2016 report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of women and girls at risk of undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) was three times higher in 2012 compared to 1990.
- The CDC report states that the increase was entirely a result of the rapid growth in the number of immigrants from FGM practicing countries. By failing to impose meaningful selection criteria, such as skills or likelihood to assimilate, our current family-based system is incompatible with national security.
- President Trump sent a list of priorities designed to enhance public safety and national security to Congress last October, which included the elimination of the visa lottery program and extended-family chain migration.
- The Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security have repeatedly explained that our current immigration system compromises our national security.
The Report Concludes Tomorrow
The revelation that the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) may have been abused for partisan purposes in the 2016 campaign has a familiar ring to it.
When investigators target a suspect, one aspect that is highly considered is whether the individual or individuals concerned have a history of similar action. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines this as Modus Operandi: “(Latin: ‘operating method’, )… in criminology, distinct pattern or manner of working that comes to be associated with a particular criminal. Criminologists have observed that, whatever his specialty…the professional criminal is very likely to adhere to his particular way of operating.”
During the tenure of the Obama Administration, there was a disturbing and serious pattern of repeated misuse of the machinery of the federal government for partisan purposes, its Modus Operandi.
The memo recently released by the House Intelligence Committee indicates that the Trump campaign was surveilled on the basis of a warrant that was inappropriately obtained. The key and basic premise for being granted the right to spy on the opposition party was a dossier that was produced by a firm hired by the Clinton campaign to dig up political dirt. The report’s author, Christopher Steele, was paid $160,000 for his efforts.
The firm produced a document that was uncorroborated by any serious facts. Indeed, it seems that the only claim to credence for the document was a clear-cut case of “circular reporting,” where favorable comments about it but based on no additional facts were used to support the request for the surveillance.
To further damage the acceptability of the Obama Administration’s actions in the matter, neither the application for the warrant, nor any of its renewals, mentioned that the evidence presented was the paid work of the Democrat National Committee and the Clinton campaign.
Add to all this the revelation that key members of the FBI leadership clearly expressed bias against Donald Trump, and also moved to quash an important and legitimate investigation against Hillary Clinton.
None of these clearly inappropriate actions should be a surprise.
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Indeed, it is the latest evidence of the Modus Operandi of the Obama Administration: the use of the machinery of the federal government for partisan political purposes. A 2014 article in Forbes called these actions “Obama’s Weaponization of Government…the American people have yet to fully grasp [the reality that] …their government has grown so large, so complex, so involved in virtually every aspect of their lives, that it is now being used as a weapon to by a small segment of the ruling political class…Those tactics reduce every Americans’ personal and economic freedom. There is a dangerous arrogance of power among …President [Obama] and senior-level Democrats that should concern every America …a senior United States Senator gave a speech stating that the IRS should be used to target and punish groups that disagree with the Democratic Party’s political agenda. Sen. Chuck Schumer stated, ‘…there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies — we must redouble those efforts immediately.’ Schumer was also one of a number of Democrat Senators who signed a 2012 letter to the IRS demanding they be more aggressive against conservative organizations.”
Despite statements to the contrary, the partisan IRS assault was not the work of mere underlings. Investigations by the House Oversight Committee found that key officials knew of the actions taken, and may have directed them. Law360 reports that “Public pressure from the Obama administration convinced the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative nonprofit groups for political activity, according to a House Oversight Committee report.
In 2017, National Review voiced a similar concern: “ Under the Obama administration’s watch, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies from the BATF to the NLRB were illegally used to target and harass the president’s political enemies. The IRS targeting scandal was the most high-profile of these, but others are just as worrisome. Federal investigations and congressional oversight were obstructed, and investigators were lied to outright — a serious crime. The administration protected the wrongdoers and saw to it that they retired with generous federal pensions rather than serving federal sentences for their crimes…The Obama administration’s attorney general, Eric Holder, left office while being held in contempt of Congress for inhibiting the investigation of other Obama administration scandals.”
The Federal Communications Commission sought (unsuccessfully) to place monitors in newsrooms in response to the Obama White House’s anger that talk radio stations were substantially disagreeing with presidential policies, and attempted to harass a leading news organization that was highly critical of the Obama Administration. The Federal Election Commission imposed draconian penalties in response to minor infractions, when the alleged violator was of a party not in power in the White House.
Judicial Watch, which has been instrumental in revealing the wholesale abuse of federal agencies by the Obama Administration, paid a price for exposing corruption in Washington. Among the investigations performed by Judicial Watch was exposing hijinks by Obama appointees at the Government Services Administration (GSA). But the federal agency didn’t hide in shame—they plotted their revenge.
The Washington Times explains: “Political operatives within the Obama administration wrongly punished the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, stripping it of ‘media’ status and trying to force it to pay higher fees for its open records requests…The GSA botched several high-profile open records requests, delaying them for months while political appointees got involved… The findings were released while the administration was facing charges of slow-walking open records requests for Hillary Clinton’s emails, as well as other requests.”
Wrongdoing by federal departments under the Obama White House, right up until its’ replacement in 2017, was rampant. It was the Modus Operandi of the Obama Administration.
The United States faces severe threats from the dramatic increase in Russian military strength in the Arctic. The resources Washington has to confront it are wholly inadequate, even assuming the Coast Guard receives funding for a new icebreaker in the 2018 budget.
In May, NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller noted that “NATO must be more active in the area… there are real military challenges developing to which the NATO alliance has not paid sufficient attention for many, many years and we need to up our game…”
According to a Congressional Research Service Report, The Coast Guard’s proposed FY2018 budget requests $19 million in acquisition funding for a new polar icebreaker that the Coast Guard wants to begin building in FY2019. The current condition of the U.S. polar icebreaker fleet, (the U.S. has only two icebreakers committed to the Arctic, while Russia has forty) and concerns among some observers about whether the United States is adequately investing in capabilities to carry out its responsibilities and defend its interests in the Arctic, have focused policymaker attention on the question of whether and when to acquire one or more new heavy polar icebreakers.
A Washington Times article noted that the proposed icebreaker may carry cruise missiles. Carlos Munoz reports “That announcement, just as Russia is beefing up its much-larger fleet of icebreakers plying the Arctic waters, is the clearest sign that a literal and figurative Cold War may be heating up at the top of the world.”
The U.S. Naval Institute quotes Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Paul Zuknft’s statement in support of new icebreakers:“If you do not have presence to exert sovereignty, you’re a paper lion.”
As the New York Analysis of Policy and Government has noted, Russia is engaging in new and extremely worrisome activities in the Arctic. According to The NATO Association’s Aleksi Korpela “…the erection of military bases and deployment of forces rings ominous to contiguous states and those with Arctic possessions or interests. This issue has become especially controversial in the last few years, as Russia has expanded its military infrastructure following the creation of a new strategic district: the Arctic Joint Strategic Command (OSK) … …Russia’s most important maritime asset in the Arctic is its fleet of icebreakers, which is the largest in the world.”
Mark Galeotti has written in the Moscow Times that “Russia is using extortion in the Arctic… Russia’s icebreaker fleet is a particular ‘ice-power’ asset: It is the world’s largest and includes the massive nuclear-powered vessel 50 Years of Victory… This is all very impressive, but it begs the question of just what these forces are meant to do. Bombers cannot dig for oil, infantry cannot collect taxes from passing Chinese container ships. But they can board and occupy oil rigs, seize cargo ships and threaten any forces that seek to challenge Moscow’s right to do this. After all, it may be impossible to ‘occupy’ the Arctic, but Russia is developing assets that could deny it to anyone else.”
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In 2015, the military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported that a new Russian Arctic command was under development, including four new Arctic brigades, 50 airfields by 2020, increased long-range air patrols by Russian bombers and a total of 40 conventional and nuclear icebreakers, with 11 more planned. That same year, the BBC reported that Russia was developing a new naval infrastructure in the region. In addition to a new air defense base on Sredniy Island, five island bases were being built by 1,500 workers – at Alexandra Land, Rogachevo, Cape Schmidt, Wrangel and Kotelny. During that year’s summer months, according to Defense News, Russia launched military exercises in the region that included over 1,000 soldiers, 14 aircraft and 34 special military units.
Moscow has reopened former Soviet Union cold war bases and developed at least ten new sites it calls rescue stations in the region. In 2007, one of its submarines dropped a canister with a Russian flag in the area to symbolize its claim.
Moscow’s military aircraft have flown provocatively close to Arctic-area territories belonging to NATO members.
According to Russia Direct, “Russia’s claims on …vast swaths of territory in the Arctic are reinforced by its ability to project force in the region. Its fleet of several dozens of icebreakers, including nuclear…gives Russia an economic and military advantage in the Arctic. The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of the defense industry, Dmitry Rogozin, stated that Russia has already launched the construction of a new nuclear icebreaker fleet”
Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) has stated that “… the Russians are playing chess in the Arctic and [the Obama Administration thought it was] tic-tac-toe.” China is now also entering into the fray, constructing its own icebreaker as part of its massive naval buildup.
Moscow’s Arctic military buildup occurred as the United States was reducing its military spending under the Obama Administration.

illustration: Inside Boeing’s Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, a technician works on one of the company’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
Vice President Pence believes that in restoring America’s preeminence in space, the nation should “look beyond the halls of government for insight and expertise.”
That concept will move into high gear this month. Arstecnica notes that The Trump administration came into office “at a time when new space companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are challenging dominant aerospace industry companies, such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin. A key difference between the new competitors is that they’re willing to invest more of their own funds into developing launch vehicles—both SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy and Blue Origin’s New Glenn rockets have been substantially funded by private money. Successful flights by these vehicles may raise questions about why the federal government should spend billions of taxpayer dollars on traditional contractors for other heavy lift vehicles… So far, the Trump administration has played it both ways—acknowledging the importance of the newly emerging private space sector but also offering praise for NASA’s large and costly Space Launch System. However, sources have indicated that Pence’s office is closely watching the private companies and success here could have policy implications.”
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And, if all goes according to plan, NASA/private sector partnerships should move quickly ahead. The space agency reports that “NASA and industry partners, Boeing and SpaceX, are targeting the return of human spaceflight from Florida’s Space Coast in 2018. Both companies are scheduled to begin flight tests to prove the space systems meet NASA’s requirements for certification in the coming year.Since NASA awarded contracts to Boeing and SpaceX, the companies have matured space system designs and now have substantial spacecraft and launch vehicle hardware in development and testing in preparation for the test flights. The goal of the Commercial Crew Program is safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation to and from the International Space Station from the United States through a public-private approach. NASA, Boeing and SpaceX have significant testing underway, which will ultimately lead to test missions when the systems are ready and meet safety requirements.
Boeing’s Starliner will launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 and SpaceX’s Crew Dragon will launch on the company’s Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A. After completion of each company’s uncrewed and crewed flight tests, NASA will review the flight data to verify the systems meet the requirements for certification. Upon NASA certification, the companies are each slated to fly six crew missions to the International Space Station beginning in 2019 and continuing through 2024.